New Allies

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When Irina happened to see me; thinking me an immortal child, she went to the Volutri. When Alice had first seen, Edward was so furious that he hit me right there in front of everyone. I had expected a reaction from someone, but they all just stood there and looked on as Edward called me every name in the book.

After this I was locked in my house for the next two weeks. All of the food was taken out of the fridge, and in its place Edward put a week’s supply of blood, something that made me ill when I ingested it. My escape route had been resealed and I had no real way out.

“Edward, you can’t just keep her locked up in here for the rest of her life. She needs to see her family, and I would like it if Eleazar told us if she had a gift. She rarely speaks to anyone. I know that you think that she is a shield, but I’m not so sure.” Carlisle said to Edward outside in the woods.

“Father, she is the reason that our lives are in danger. She deserves to be punished.” He replied harshly.

“You know that she is powerful. What if she was able to end this? Her power could be useful to us.”

The man from my dreams was right all that they wanted me for was my gift. 

“If she does anything, ever again, to hurt my daughter she’s gone.” Edward told Carlisle in a low mincing voice, as he walked away.

The next day I was woken up by Jasper. He told me that someone want to meet me. He gave me a big sweater to wear down stairs.  

Standing down stairs next to the door were vampires that I didn't know.  The second that they saw me they hissed and crouched down.

"Jasper did you actually create an immortal child?"

A sense of calm washed over all of us before Jasper spoke, "No, you can hear her heart beat, can't you?" he waited for them to nod before continuing, “Bella had her and her sister, before she was turned." The new vampires were still hesitant but had moved out of their crouches.

I had yet to talk, even though I had been able to for a while now. It was easier to get by without taking. The lack of my speaking had in the end led to all of my family believing that I was mute.

The male of the group stepped forward and reached out for me, "May I see her Jasper?"

Jasper nodded and let the male take me into his arms, "Hello dear, I'm Eleazar. What's your name?"

I looked over to Jasper, expecting him to tell Eleazar, but instead he glared at me and left the room.

I looked back up at Eleazar, who was looking down at me expectantly. He smiled down at me as I opened my mouth to speak, “I’m Mercy."

My voice was soft and quiet, a bit raspy and nothing like to bell like voices of those around me. From the top of the stairs there was clapping. Everyone turned their head to look up, and there on top of the stairs was my mother holding Renesmee.        

My mother’s voice rang out, "She speaks."

"Hello Momma! Hello Renesmee!" I called out from Eleazar’s lap, excited with the freedom that using my voice gave.

Carlisle had now shown up to investigate the scene that was unfolding in his foyer. "Eleazar have you looked at her gift yet?"

I franticly looked up at Eleazar. “I -."

I threw up a wall around our thoughts and placed my hand on his neck. I sent image after image of people saying no, most of it was Renesmee, some of it was images that I had seen on TV, and there were even a few of Renesmee telling my father and mother no when they tried to make her do something that she didn’t want to do. Eleazar looked down at me, shock and horror filled his eyes. Carlisle looked at the two of us and asked again, and this time he responded, “She is a copycat; she has the ability to learn someone’s gift just by looking at them. Later she can use the gift. It’s very rare, and she is the most powerful copycat that I have ever seen.”

"Edward though that she might have been a shield like her mother, but he could suddenly hear her thoughts one day. The curiosity blossomed from there." Carlisle explained.

My mother made herself known again. “Yes, I knew that she was a bad apple from the first time that I saw her. She is practically a waste of space. Someone whose gift is already evil. She’s a thief,” she sneered.

Eleazar looked quite shocked. Carlisle quickly changed the subject, “We brought you here because the Volturi believe that Mercy is an immortal child. They never saw Renesmee, she is safe, but now they wish to destroy us. We do not want to fight we just need enough people to make them stop and listen. You do not have to risk your lives for us but it would be greatly appreciated.”

A woman, whose name, Tanya, I learned from Carlisle’s thoughts, spoke, “Of course we will help you Carlisle. We’re family after all.”

Carlisle nodded his head and said, “Thank you for understanding and standing with us. Alice, Rosaline, Emmett, Esme and I are leaving tomorrow to find more to help us you are welcome to stay here with Edward, Bella, Renesmee and Mercy.”

“Yes we will stay.” A woman named Kate responded.

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