Meeting the New Family

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Chapter 7

 When I awoke I was still in Corin’s arms, but we were no longer in the wild untamed forest. The blue sky was unobstructed above me. I snuggled back into Corin hoping that I could get a few more minutes of sleep. 

Corin laughed as I moved my face up on to his shoulder, trying to get comfy. “Mercy, there are some people here that really want to meet you. You have already kept them waiting,” He told me in a soft voice.

I moaned softly and rubbed my face into his chest, “No.”

He let out a throaty laugh, “It’s not really a choice Mercy.”

“I’m up.” I told him, stretching my arms up above my head and yawning loudly.

I sat up in his lap and had my first good look around. There were more than twenty people within the clearing, all vampires. The ones closest to me were older. Their skin flakey looking and their bright red eyes peered at me curiously. Two of them had jet black hair, and the one closest to me had his hair cut shorter. There was only one man with blond hair. He was father away, closer to the rest of the vampires. 

The man with the short dark hair came closer. “Hello Mercy. I’m Aro. It is very nice to meet you,” he told me holding out a hand for me to shake.

I gave him my hand, and immediately my mental wall was knocked down. All of his thoughts flooded into my mind, but it didn’t stop there. Everything that Aro had every done, everyone he had ever hurt, killed flooded into my mind. The time that he had spent with my parents was there two. He wanted my father’s gifts along with Alice’s. 

I could feel his presence also in my mind. He was seeing all of the pain that my father had put me through, learning about my gift. I could feel no ill will towards myself as he searched through my memories. 

 Suddenly it was all gone. I opened my eyes. Aro was halfway across the clearing, a dark haired female standing protectively in front of him.

“Calm down Renata. She was taking no steps to hurt me.” Mr. Aro said walking around her and back to me and Corin. 

“My child you have the most wonderful gift,” he told me excitedly.

The blond that had been closest to me when I first woke spoke, “Do tell my dear brother, what is the little girl’s gift?” 

“Master Caius, she can copy anyone’s gift and then in turn use it at any time that she so chooses.” Corin answered for him. 

“Did I ask you boy?” Caius threatened.

I didn’t like anyone talking to Corin like that. He was the only person who had ever treated me like I mattered. He had made me feel safe for the first time in my life. I pulled up the earth underneath Caius, throwing him into the air. And then hitting his with a gust of wind i slammed him into a nearby oak. He went straight through. Before I had time to do anything else I had been tackled to the ground by a large dark haired male. 

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