Visit of a New Man

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Chapter 11

We walked into the store around 10. Corin’s skin posed no problem in the warm morning rays because while I was changing his eye color I had taken the liberty to go ahead and mask his skins reaction to sunlight.

 The first place that I walked to was the grocery section; I hadn’t eaten before we left and in the ten hour car ride we hadn’t stopped once. While I could go a few days without food, that normally required me to be on a steady diet of blood. Edward got it into his head that it would be good to see how long I could go without food and only on blood, mostly as a punishment for not obeying him perfectly. The experiment had ended with me sick in bed, unable to control my powers; they lashed out at random times, destroying my room and nearly destroying the main house. When I was not consuming blood, I need to eat a lot throughout the day. Because of this, cooking had become one of my favorite past times.

I filled the cart with anything that caught my fancy, which ended up being enough food to last me through the week. Corin calmly followed behind me though the store not saying anything.

We headed back home to drop everything off and for me to make some lunch before we headed back out to go shopping for clothes. Once everything was put up I went to work at making a chicken sandwich and fries for lunch. Corin had wondered off somewhere most likely to contact Aro and tell him about our drive. I quickly ate, and just as I was finishing up Corin made his way down stairs.  His hair was rustled as though he had been running his hands through it during his conversation with Aro.

“Everything all right?” I asked him, quietly.

“Yeah, everything is fine. Caius is unhappy like always, and Jane is ordering everyone around like your never coming back.” He calmly stated, but for some reason I felt that he wasn’t telling me the whole truth.  I didn’t think that he had lied to me; Maggie’s gift was not telling me that he was lying to me. Because of that, I let it go, feeling that he deserved privacy.

“Oh well if that’s all.” I said with a small smile in my tone.

“Yes that’s all.”

“Are you ready to leave or do you want to hang out here for a little bit?”

He replied quickly, “No I’m ready to go now if that’s ok with you.”

“Yeah, sure, let’s go.” 

I was excited about shopping here. On our way down I had been looking at all of the attractions of the area. Surprisingly, just outside of town there was a beautiful upscale mall. I was thoroughly excited about shopping for anything other than the custom made black capes that I was required to wear.

 While most of the guard was allowed to wear whatever they wanted, the wives had decided that I was to be their own personal Barbie, and making the wives mad was something that was simply not done.  They loved to put me in dresses like those that they wore in the 1800’s. Nothing in my closet had been picked out by me. It was all their choices, because of that I was more than ready to go shopping for my own clothes.

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