A New Life

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It was dark in the hallway and the same wet dank air filled my lungs. When we came out of the darkness and traveled through an intricate cast iron door, an ornate hall greeted us. On a platform at the end of the hall were three chairs. Aro and his bothers walked past Corin and I. The gracefully took a seat in the chairs.

“Come on child, we must decide on your living arrangements.”

Corin led me to a room that was done a stone hallway. We entered into a large wooden door that was a foot taller than Corin and twice as wide. The room inside was gorgeous; the walls were a light lavender with a gray stone floor and a ceiling with exposed wooden beams. In front of the bed there was a beautiful couch covered in a white canvas fabric. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall perpendicular to the couch.  A large cast iron canopy bed that sat at the back of the room with white gauze draped over it. On either sided were white washed bedside tables with crystal reading lamps on either side. A large armoire of light wood was up against a wall and a matching chest of drawers was father along the wall. There were two windows on either side of the bed and a single white wash wooden door was on the left wall.

“So what do you think of your new room?” Corin asked from behind me.

“It’s wonderful, thank you so much. I can’t believe that this is all mine.” I said spinning around, looking at the massive cast iron chandelier on mounted on the ceiling.

Corin laughed at me and my shanagins. Emily and Annemarie walked up and sat down on the couch.

“We’ll take you to get some new clothes and some personal touches for your room.” Emily told me picking up the remote from the coffee table and flipping through the Italian TV.

“But I don’t have any way to pay you.”

“Sweetheart your family; don’t worry. We’re going to have so much fun dressing you up tomorrow, but come on the Italians have some of the best reality shows in the world.”


Four years later I was very well adjusted to living in Italy. My family had made no moves to take me back as far as they were concerned I was dead. The coven had welcomed me with open arms. I had taken over as the Princess of the Volturi. I was constantly punishing people who had acted immorally. Aro had decided that I was his new favorite, always using me as the example of our might. Jane had pouted around for a bit, wallowing in her misery, but she had gotten over it, eventually.

I had grown to a tall five seven and filled out a little. I was skinny but I had a few curves and a nice chest. My light brown hair had gotten darker and I had cut blunt bangs that contrasted with my long deep waves. My skin was pale and flawless, while my lips were a pastel pink. My eyelashes were dark and full.

I had made two good friends within the coven. Annemarie had become my best friend. Her skin was paler than most. She had dark dirty blond hair she kept wavy most of the time. Her eyebrows were a bit darker than her hair and famed her eyes along with thick eyelashes. Annemarie was shy, but was the only one besides from Corin who had realized how damaged I had been by my family. Without her I feel that I would have never come out of my shell. Annemarie was not gifted but she had found her mate, Clement, early in her eternal life, which allowed her to become part of the Volturi when he did.

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