Leaving Home, Making a New Friend

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 Our group had grown tremendously in the past few weeks so had my choices of abilities. A few nomads had dribbled in; Garret was my favorite.  The Egyptian coven had shown up after soon after Maggie and her family came. Benjamin was nice and his ability was very different from anything that I had ever seen. I wanted to try my hand at manipulating the elements, but I could never get alone. The amazons had only shown up in the past week or so. Zafrina loved Renesmee. I would be walking through the training grounds and see them laughing together. Renesmee loved the images of the rainforest that Zafrina showed her. 

Eleazar and many of the others had decided to go on a big hunting trip before the battle. Eleazar had come and tucked me in before they left. He told me a story about his escapades in Italy. Reading his mind I realized all that he was leaving out, but his stories were comical. Soon my eyes were having trouble keeping themselves open. When he believed that I was off to dreamland he quietly snuck out of my room. 

I was drifting in and out when I heard a loud bang from down stairs. Edward, Amun, and Stefan were the only ones left in the house. Thoughts of who was making all of the noise filled my mind as I sat up. The door to my room opened and in walked Edward.

His face was cross. He saw me sitting up and wasted no time getting to his point, “I was talking to Renesmee yesterday, and she told me something very interesting.” Cold fear shot through my veins. Renesmee knew about my gift, she was the only Cullen who had figured it out. Maybe it was the fact that we were twins. I believe that the fact that I could block out her images, but other times know what she was telling Bella tipped her off. Either way she had figured it out; one day when we were alone she touched my face and told me that if I ever got in her way she would tell Edward that I had a gift, a gift that allowed me to steal from others.

Edward continued, “I know that you have been lying to me. Renesmee told me.”

Edward hated being lied to. Whenever he realized that he was being deceived he would become furious. It was probably because he could tell if you were lying instantly, but whatever the cause Edward would bight your head off if he learned of you lying. The only people who he allowed to get away with it were Bella and Renesmee, the two of the people whose lies should hurt him the most. 

Edward walked over to me. He sat down on the bed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, like a real father would. He whispered into my hair, “I want you to tell me the truth, Mercy. I’m giving you one chance for you to redeem yourself. What are you hiding?”

“I can’t tell you sir.” I mumbled back at him, my voice trembling.

“Mercy I need you to tell me about your gift.” He said again more forcefully.

“No sir.” I repeated, shaking my head. I refused to look him in the eye. I instead chose to pick at the gray quilt on the bed.

He grabbed my hair and dragged my head up so that I was facing him, “Tell me, Mercy. Now!”

I looked him in the eye and shook my head. He was furious, his face a mask of rage. I suddenly felt his mind probing at mine. I threw up my walls. Reinforcing them and checking for any holes. Slowly I let little bits of information through so it seemed that he could read what I was thinking. ‘What is he thinking?’ And ‘He’s hurting me’ were repeated over and over with a bit of variation in word choice.  He realized that he wasn’t getting what he wanted and he back off a bit.

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