The Truth Comes Out

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We followed Jane through the elevator doors out into the main ground level of my home. Jane led in a silent graceful manner, seeming to float off the ground. Michael followed silently behind her, his footsteps also unnoticeable. It was I that stomped my way down the hallways.

It must have been my ridiculously loud walking which clued Emily to stick her head out of the doorway.

“Mercy!” She exclaimed running towards me. She gathered me in a massive hug, “What were you thinking leaving to a romantic location with Corin and not telling me first? Did you even pack any lingerie?”

Michael growled deep in his throat. I assumed that it was at the thought of Corin and I being together romantically.

At the sound of Michael’s growl, Emily peered around me to see the source of the noise, “And who is this?” She quizzed me

“This is Michael. I met him while we were in France.”  When I mentioned his name, Michael stepped forward and rapped his arm around me.

“I thought Corin was hot. Gosh, I need to go to France.” Emily whispered cheekily to me. 

I gave her a smile and turned my head up to look at Michael. He was smiling back down at me with mile of contentment on his face. He turned to Emily with his hand extended to shake, “I’m certainly lucky that I found her.”

Emily gave me another glance, before Jane interrupted us again,  “Aro will not wait forever Emily.”

“I know. We’re coming.” She curtly replied. 

Jane began to walk forward again; Michael pushed me forward so that I would follow. Emily brought up the back.

“So what do you happen to do Michael?” Emily asked.

“I own a large weapons contracting firm.” He responded.

She gave a sound of approval and then practically shouted her thoughts into my head, ‘What the hell happened? I was sure when you left that you were going to be coming back with a rather pleased Corin on your arm, but instead you show up with someone that we’ve never met before?’

I projected my thoughts back into her mind, ‘He just kind of showed up, and we have this great connection. He keeps going on about me being his mate and being made for him specifically, but I can’t deny that there is something special between us.’

‘You’re a blood singer Mercy. I wouldn’t have thought that you would have been one because of the vampire blood running though you, but I guess that I should have known. Your sister was an imprint to a werewolf; it would only be appropriate for you to be a blood singer.’

We had entered the main hall of the Volturi. Marcus, Aro and Caius were all sitting in there chair waiting on our arrival. Aro was lightly touching Corin’s arm, obvious finding out the story from Corin before we got there.

“Hello Aro.” I called out to the room.

“Hello my daughter. I have been informed that your trip did not go as had been planned.” Aro spoke.

“No sir it did not go as planned but I think that the final outcome with be rather agreeable.”  I responded.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yes sir. I’m very happy that I have met Michael. He is amazing,” I turned back to him, giving him a large grin, “And he has offered to let me go with him to his home in England for a little while.”

“Is that so?” Aro said quietly.

“Yes sir. I was wondering if that would be ok, if I went with him?”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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