A Friend in the Forest

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 We came to a small diner that was similar to the one that I had seen on Stienfleid, while watching TV. When we walked in an older waitress saw to us. She steered us towards a able near the front window, but Corin quickly objected.

"Is there any way that we can get a spot away from the window?"

 She nodded looking a little shocked at Corin. She guided us towards a table in the back that was partially hidden behind the kitchen. Corin would be safe from the sunlight here. Corin motioned for me to sit down as he took off his light windbreaker. 

As he did so the muscles in his arms flexed and the waitress seemed to have a miniature heart attack. She walked away swaying side to side and grabbing the counter. She was quickly replaced within woman that was much younger. Her hair blonde hair was pulled high in to a perky ponytail secured with a scrunchy. 

"Hi, I'm Stephanie. What can I do for you today?" She asked Corin. 

He turned and looked straight at me. "Mercy, what do you want to drink?" He asked me.

The waitress turned and smiled at me, "Is this your little sister? She is so cute."

I smiled back at her, "Thank you, and no I'm not his sister. He is taking me to see a friend of his." 

She smiled again at me, "What would you like to drink sweetheart?"

"Can I have some milk?" I asked smiling at her. 

"Sure." She turned back to Corin, “And what can I get for you?"

"I'm fine." He smiled at her, and she blinked rapidly as though she was blinded by his smile.

"Ok, one milk, coming up." And as she walked away she threw a coy smile over her shoulder.

"I think that she likes you." I told him giggling.

He gave me a look and shook his head, chucking. Every time that's she came to our table she would stay a bit longer than necessary. When we got our check I noticed a phone number left in pink curly script. Corin placed a hundred dollar bill down and left the receipt in the folder.

"Ready to go little one?"

"Yes sir."

"Come on," he said, and took my hand after placing his jacket and cap back on. 

We walked back outside, across the highway and back into the woods. As we entered the forest I looked behind me. Stephanie was standing at the window of the dinner, looking at the woods quizzically. Corin yanked on my hand, and we took off at a light jog. We came to a stream and Corin went straight into it. Once both of us were in the middle he began to travel up stream.

"It will confuse our sent, just in case anyone tries to track you back down." Corin said, answering the question that had been forming in my head. 

We had been going a few miles before I became bored with our light jog after a while and zoomed pass, water splashing all around me.

"Catch me if you can!" I yelled, over my shoulder. 

Corin quickly caught up and we spend the rest of the day running. We must have been out of the country by now. The temperature had dropped by a good ten degrees. I assumed that we were going north. The sun had started to set and my feet were defiantly dragging. I hadn't slept well for over 24 hours. The effects of sleep deprivation were beginning to wear on me. 

I was stumbling every few steps, when suddenly my legs were not what were holding me up. I was now in Corin's arms. I leaned over into his chest. I snuggled closer and his steady movement rocked me off to sleep.

Renesmee Cullen's Little SisterOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara