Journey Home

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Chapter 8

 I awoke half way through the long journey over the Atlantic Ocean. My stomach was growling loud enough that everyone within the plane turned and looked at me either with mild amusement or horror. 

“Mr. Aro?” I asked in my most timid voice.

“Yes, Miss Mercy?” He responded smiling at me fondly.

“Is there any food on board?”

“I’m sure that we can find something to your liking child.” 

Aro hit a button above his head. A sweet voice came on over the intercom. “Yes sir?”


“Yes sir?”

“Can you bring some food back for Mercy?”

“Of course, I will see what we have on board. Are there any request Master?” She asked.

He turned to me, “Are there any requests Mercy?”

“No sir. I’m fine with anything.”

“No requests Annemarie.” He said into the intercom. 

Ten minutes had passed when a beautiful blond vampire came up next to me with a basket of snacks in her arms.  “I’m sorry that I couldn’t find anything more substantial for you. I found some snacks, but that was about it.”

“That’s fine. Thank you so much.” I told her with a big smile. 

“You’re welcome, Mercy. It is wonderful to have you in the family.”

“I’m very glad to be a member Ma’am.”

She nodded her head at me, and I nodded to her as she left. As soon as she was gone I unhooked my seatbelt with a bag of pretzels in hand and bounded across the aisle into a resting Corin’s lap.  His eyes flashed open, and he smiled when he saw me.

“Hello little miss. Did you find yourself something to eat?” He asked me.

I responded with a big nod and a smile whose brightness matched his. He poked me in the stomach. “Is your stomach rumbling little miss?”

I nodded again laughing at his silliness. 


By the time we had landed in Italy I had both finished my pretzels and fallen back asleep in Corin’s lap. He gently shook me awake as everyone began to file out of the plane. 

“Are you ready to see your new home?” 

I smiled and nodded, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes. He grabbed me under my arms and lifted me up on to his hip. I was now eye level with him. His dark brown hair was slightly tasseled as though he had run his hands through it over the course of the flight. His eyes had a dark ring around the deep crimson color. They were darker than they had been when we had first met as though he hadn’t fed in recent weeks and would need to soon. The idea of him killing someone was not the most pleasant, but who was I to say that the way he was living his life was wrong. 

He walked out of the plane and into the bright lights of the tarmac. Unlike the rest of the family he was in every day human wear. The rest of the coven had their color coded cloaks on. Black tented Mercedes sedans were lined up next to the plane. Everyone piled into predetermined cars. Corin handed me off to Annemarie before he walked over to the car that Aro and his brothers had gotten in. Annemarie took my hand and led me to a car towards the back of the line. There were two others in the car, one who had introduced himself as Clement and a woman who said her name was Lillian. 

We traveled through the Italian country side. Rolling waves of amber grain and beautiful lavender fields that filled the car with the most pleasant sent. When we would pass over bridges the water below them would run clean and pure. Traveling up the steep roadway to the place where I would be living for the rest of my life made my heart beat a flutter in my chest. We twisted through small winding streets with light stone buildings lining our path. We traveled towards the heart of the city before pulling into a garage that the car in front of us had gone into. The road traveled downward before we came to the stop in a dark industrial garage filled with tens of cars. 

When I got out of the car a cold dank air hit me. Lights were suddenly turned on overhead and bright white light filled the room. While I had been able to see before, everything was now brighter and clearer. The walls were the same stone of the buildings that we had passed on our way in. 

Everyone removed their capes, revealing normal day clothes underneath. One more car came in through the opening. The driver’s door opened and Corin stepped out. He placed one hand on my shoulder and steered me inside through the only door within the stone colored wall. 

Sorry for the wait! Uploads will start to slow down a bit soon, becuase school is going back in session and I'm almost out of prewritten chapters. But I hoping for one a week. Comment and Vote!

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