Chapter 1: Dinner Please

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    I walked into my grandfathers study. One of the maids had said he needed me and when Amedeo Felisa, CEO of Ferrari called you, you came.  He was my grandfather and he treated me like his little angel so I had nothing to fear, but others might. He was a powerful man. He sat behind his desk looking over papers. He was a very busy man. Many days he did not finish working until after 9:00. I straightened my skirt as he looked up at me and smiled.

    “Heidi, we will be having company for dinner tonight. I have invited the Ferrari F1 team over to celebrate the start of another season. Please be ready and at the table by six-thirty.”

    “Yes, Grandfather.” I smiled and then bounced back to my room.

    It was 2:00 now, so I only had a little over four hours to get ready. I threw my blonde hair up into rollers and then began to do my make-up. After that was done I went into my large walk-in closet to look for an outfit. Finally I decided on a Ferrari red  long sleeve wrap dress and a pair of black high heals. I added red lipstick to match. I looked at the clock and realized it was time to go to dinner. I speedily walked towards the dinning room, the house is enormous and the dinning room is pretty far from my room. I should have kept better track of time. If I don’t hurry I will be late. I rushed as fast as I could in the high heels. I turned the last corner onto the hall where the dinning room was and I slammed straight into someone. Teetering on the heels I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I looked up at who I had hit. A blonde man with icy blue eyes. The F1 driver, Kimi Raikkonen. I looked around and saw that we were the only two in the hallway. He looked down at me not saying anything, no expression, no nothing.

    “Oh, um sorry my bad. I was running because I was late. Oh my I am so sorry.” I sputtered scrambling to get up. Kimi made no attempt to help me from the ground. I struggled to my feet.

    “Please don’t tell me grandfather I ran into you. He will kill me for being an embarrassment to Ferrari.” I pleaded with my hands together.

    “Bathroom?” he grunted, seeming almost annoyed.

    “Oh…uh its three doors down. That way.” I pointed to the bathroom. He rudely pushed past me. 

    I frowned and smoothed out my dress adjusting it and making sure it looked perfect. I ran my fingers through my long curled blonde hair and then stepped into the dinning room and took my seat. My grandfather looked up at me disapprovingly. I was late and being late is unacceptable. I frowned. Just great I’ve literally ran into one of our guest and disgraced my grandfather all in the span of a few minutes. This night can’t get any worse. The door opened and Kimi came in and took his seat. My grandfather talked with the two F1 drivers, Kimi and Fernando as well as the team principle. I sat quietly and tried not to bring anymore shame upon myself. I poured myself a large glass of wine. As I did this my grandfather managed to send another disapproving glance my way. The servers began to bring the food out and I snuck a large gulp from the glass.

    “You know, Heidi is traveling the formula one series this year as a representative from Ferrari.” my grandfather boasted proudly. I guess he had already forgotten my early screw up and I was in his good graces again.

    “Is that so? Well I look forward to seeing more of you miss Felisa.” Fernando smiled at me. At least he seemed nice, and sociable. Unlike Kimi who had barely spoken tonight. To me or otherwise.

    “Yes, I’m very excited. I’ve always love watching formula one. I can’t wait to be in with all the action.” I replied politely. And I genuinely was excited. I love racing and cars. I guess its in my blood.

    “I need a beer.” Kimi interjected. With no maids or servers in sight my grandfather directed his gaze to me.

    “Heidi will be a dear and get Kimi his drink.” My grandfather did not mean this as a question. I knew it was an order. I pushed myself back from the table as gracefully as possible.

    “Any preference Mr. Raikkonen?” I smiled so sweetly it hurt.

    “Heineken.” he grunted.

    I turned on my heal and pushed through the swinging doors into the kitchen. Then opened the large fridge and found Kimi’s beer of choice. A bottle of belvedere caught my eye as I was closing the fridge. I grabbed it and pulled a couple of large swigs of the strong drink. I looked at my reflect ion in the window. My blue eyes were sad, tired. I frowned and primped myself for another minute before taking one last gulp from the vodka bottle then grabbing Kimi’s beer and heading back. I walked very deliberately. Already feeling the vodka working its effected on me. Counting the wine I have had quite a bit more to drink tonight than my grandfather needs to know about. But theses dinners are pure torture. I entered the room and went over to Kimi. I leaned over to and placed his beer on the table.

    “Your drink Mr. Raikkonen.” I near his face, he sniffed. My breath I quickly thought.

    “Vodka.” he mumbled. Stupid Finn.

    “Shhhh.” I hissed still near his ear. I returned to my seat hoping the exchange has gone unnoticed by my grandfather. He appeared to be going on about something to Stefano.

    We had all finished eating and the men were finishing up their conversations laughing and carrying on. Finally they told my grandfather that they had to leave to get back to their hotel. Of course my grandfather insisted they cancel their reservations and stay here. And of course you don’t argue with Amedeo Felisa.

    “Heidi, I’m tired. Show ours guest to their rooms.”

    “Yes Grandfather.” I obeyed.

    I got to my feet managing to wobble only a little.  My grandfather went the other way through the kitchen. I short-cut to his room. I motioned for the men to follow me. First I showed Stefano to a guest room on the ground the floor. The only one. Then I brought the two drivers to the second floor where there were many more rooms.

    “Your dress is beautiful.” Fernando complimented me.

    “Thank you.” I giggled, the alcohol making me go stupid.

    “Here is your room Mr. Alonso. I am at the end of the hall if you need anything.” I smiled.

    “Please, its Fernando or better yet Nando. No need to be formal.”

    “Of course.” I giggled.

    “Goodnight.” he took my hand and kissed it. Then he retired to his room. I turned, to see Kimi rolling his eyes. I didn’t care though. I was absolutely sloshed.

    I continued walking down the hall to the next available guest room. I pulled a door open. The room was prepared for guest, sheets turned down and all. I turned back towards Kimi and stumbled in the process. I giggled again, but tried to be quiet about it.

    “You’re drunk.” Kimi stated dryly.

    “Nooooooo.” I said sarcastically. I went to leave him but stumbled towards him. Kimi caught me and laughed more.

    “Okay maybe a little.” I whispered through more giggles. My face was almost in Kimi’s chest and he smelled amazing. Don’t do or say anything stupid I told my drunk self. I looked up into his beautiful eyes. He stood there coldly. No wonder they call him the iceman. This was the first time I noticed a sadness about him. I sobered up slightly enough to noticed his large hands still on my waist. I took a step back breaking free.

    “I should go to bed. I’m sorry Kimi. For being so unprofessional. Please forgive me.” I bowed slightly and stumbled down the hall to my room.

    I heard his door close as I reached my room which is only two doors down. I kicked my heals off and flopped down onto my bed.

    “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” I moaned.

    I have to work around these men for the next year at least and I have made an utter fool of myself for not handling my booze better. I frowned. Being as perfect as everyone expected me to be is not easy. Everyone may think I’m an angel, a princess I’ve been called. But all I want to be is normal. I don’t think that is possible though.

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