Chapter 7: I Don't Care

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    “And then he kissed me.” I told Seb. The Germans eyes went wide and then a cocky grin spread across his face.

    “I told you! And what happened next?” he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

    “Nothing. He stuttered, apologized and muttered something about just have to get that out of his system and left.” I sighed.

    “Are you kidding me? He just did that an left?” Seb looked confused.

    “Yep. He called it a ‘temporary lapse in judgment’ and that he shouldn’t have kissed ‘little girl’.” I frowned. I might actually be hurting worse than before. “There is no way I can go back in that garage now.”

    “Heidi, you have to. Ferrari is a better team with you. They at least have a chance to come in second against me.” Seb winked.

    “Seb, why can’t I work with you?” I frowned.

    “Because your grandfather is Ferrari CEO and would kill you.” Seb smiled at me. He was right.

    “I just don’t want to see Kimi again, it hurts Seb.” I had never shared my feelings so much with someone. Seb was special though. He was easy to talk to. He may be my only true friend in the world.

    “I know its hard. I know you’re heartbroken. But you can’t let him win this Heidi. You told me that you wanted to be a part of formula one. Just like the founders of Ferrari had passion for F1, you carry that same passion. You must stay.” Sebastian was my voice of reason.

    “You’re right. Thank you Seb.” I kissed him on the cheek.

    I headed back to the Ferrari garage. I was a part of this team too and I wasn’t going to let the stupid Finn drive me away. Seb was right, I had always dreamed of getting to be in the Formula 1 mix and keeping the heritage alive. I couldn’t let one man ruin my one remaining dream. I popped back into the garage.

    “Well, well, well, the princess is back.” Kimi said condescendingly.

    “You know what your problem is?” I looked him dead in the eye.

    “I bet you’re going to tell me. You always try to fix me.” He snarled.

    “Yeah well no more. If you are iceman, cold, and hurting? Fine enjoy being miserable. I am here to sell Ferrari, nothing more. I’m done with you honey! Who knows how long you will even be with Ferrari? One thing I know is that I’m here to stay.” I shouted at him. Kimi just huffed and stormed out of the pits. Fernando came over to me.

    “What is that all about?” He asked.

    “I’m through with Kimi. His little mind games that he plays. I don’t care. I’m through caring for someone who could care less for me.” I wouldn’t look Nando in the eyes because I didn’t want him to see that I was still hurting and deep down I did care.

    I got off of the companies private jet in China. It had been a week since Bahrain and I was not looking forward to seeing Kimi again. Since our incident last week I had lapsed back into being cold. I wasn’t here to please anyone. Kimi kept calling me princess and if that what he though I was that’s what I will. Be so I had decided to take the private jet, the flashiest Ferrari and I was wearing tight Ferrari red mini dress.

    I walked confidently through the paddock, receiving many stares from the men around me. I smiled and waved to everyone. I stood outside the Infiniti red bull garage and texted Seb to come out. Moments later he and Mark Webber came out. I smiled and hugged Seb. I noticed Mark was looking me up and down.

    “I’ve missed you Seb!” I smiled

    “Yes, where were you in testing?” He frowned.

    “I came late. I just needed a little time away. I won’t miss it again.” I promised.

    “Good.” Seb replied happily. He was so young, he reminded me of a child sometimes. Even though he is a couple of years older than I am.

    “Well good luck Gentlemen. See you after the race Seb, and you too Mr. Webber.” I nodded and smiled flirtatiously. Mark winked back at me. Reluctantly I made my way to the Ferrari garage. I immediately went and hugged Fernando. I purposefully ignored Kimi. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me. I smirked and went on talking to Nando.

    “Anyway I’m going to go grab some coffee then find somewhere to watch the race. Good luck Nando.” I kissed him on the cheek and then strutted out of the garage.

    As soon as I had made it out of the garage area someone grabbed me by the arm and jerked me back into a small corridor out of sight. They immediately pushed me against the wall and wedged me in-between the wall and their body. I looked up into the eyes of Kimi, they were filled with intensity. His hands were placed firmly on my hips.

    “What are you trying to do? Prancing in there dressed like whore?” Kimi seethed.

    “I’m doing my thing. And it doesn’t concern you how I dress.” I stated smugly.

    “You don’t know what you do to me.” He moves his hands to the wall. “If you dress like that I won’t be able to control myself around you.”

    “Well I guess you’re going to just have to find a way. Because I’m kind of liking my new style. I think I’ll sell a lot of Ferraris. Oh and Mark seemed to like it too. I’m thinking of seeing if he wants to go out for drinks sometime? Don’t you think he and I would make a rather smart couple?” Kimi slammed his fist against the wall causing me to jump a little.

    “Heidi.” He growled. He gave me one last look filed with anger and hurt and then he left me in the alley.

It isn’t fun having someone toy with you now is it Kimi?

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