Chapter 48: Seychelles Part 2

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    That night Kimi was booked a private chef to cook a gourmet dinner in our expansive kitchen. The table was set with candles and the most beautiful flowers, all in bright tropical colors. I sat at the table across from Kimi. I was holding Luukas in one arm and using my free hand to eat. A talent I have perfected over the three months since Luukas was born. The food was impeccable. Steak, shrimp, salad. I was in heaven.

    “Are you enjoying your meal.” Kimi finally spoke.


    “Very much so.” I replied before shoveling another bite of food into my mouth.

    “I’m glad.” he smiled at me and continued to eat. Luukas began to cry and Tullulah took him from me and brought him into the other room to comfort him. Leaving Kimi and I alone.

    “This place really is amazing. I don’t want to leave.” I mumbled.

    “You don’t have to, we could stay here forever.” Kimi said.

    “You have a career, you have another race in two weeks that you have to be at.” I reminded him.

    “I’ve made that mistake once, putting my career above you and Luukas. I won’t make it again.” he looked me in the eyes.

    “You have to keep racing, I would never want you to quit.” I replied.

    “I just want to make you happy.” he told me.

    “I will be happy if you keep winning for us.” I smiled and took a sip from my glass of wine.

    “Well I’ll do my best.” he smiled back at me.


    On the first full day we were to spend there I got up early to go to the beach. I left the baby with Tallulah and I put on a white bikini and pulled my hair into a pony tail. It was very early in the morning ad I hadn’t seen any sign of Kimi. I grabbed my towel and a book and made my way out the beach. The sand was pure white and was soft and fine. The water was so clear blue it was incredible. I leaned over and laid out my beach towel.  When I stood back up I saw Kimi standing before me. He was wearing him swim trunks and sunglasses and he looked as if he had been running. His skin was so fair, I hoped he had remembered sunscreen.

    “You’re so beautiful Heidi.” He said looking at me.

    “Stop it.” I said bashfully. Kimi stepped towards me. Placing his large hands on my hips and pulling me closer to him.

    “Absolutely stunning.” He whispered into my ear, his voice husky and full of lust. He began to attack my neck with kisses.

    “Kimi, I don’t know if you remember but we still aren’t together.” I reminded him.

    “So?” he said and continued kissing and sucking on my neck and up to my jaw line.

    “People who aren’t together don’t really do things like this.” I said as he found my sweet spot under my ear at the top of my jaw, causing me to moan out. He moved his hands down to my bum and I quickly jerked away.

    “Stop it. We can’t do this.” I said backing away from him. He looked hurt.

    “Fine.” he mumbled and made his way back towards the house. I wanted to kiss him and be with him. I really did, but I haven’t forgiven him yet and I can’t let myself be swayed by him so easily. He had to show me he has changed, not just that he is sexually attracted to me. Even then I’m not sure I can forgive him. I laid down on my beach towel and tried to forget about what had just happened.

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