Chapter 20: New Plans

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    I walked downstairs wearing real clothes for the first time this week. I wore a sparkly black mini dress    . My long blonde hair was curled and I was wearing a pair of terrifyingly high heels. I was going down early to sneak a few drinks from the kitchen. I wasn’t going to do anything stupid I just needed to take the nervous edge off. I walked passed my grandfathers study and I heard voices. I stopped to listen in at the cracked door.

    “Heidi, is my pride and joy. She is so smart, kind and beautiful.” my grandfather boasted. “Wouldn’t you agree that she is beautiful?”

    “Yes.” I recognized this as Kimi’s voice. I listened closer, butterflies filling my stomach, he had agreed that he thought I was beautiful. What was this about?

    “I know you care for her Kimi. I can see it.” my grandfather was being too forward now. I wanted to run in there and stop him.

    “I can’t.” Kimi was short.

    “Don’t be stupid boy.” my grandfather raised his voice.

    “Mr. Felisa…” Kimi started.

    “Look, Kimi. My granddaughter is all I have left. She means the world to me and I would do anything to make her happy. Can you understand that?” My grandfather tone had evened out but was still very serious.

    “Yes.” Kimi replied.

    “You make her happy. Its something she hasn’t been in a long time and since you two separated she has been worse than ever. She tries to hide it. She thinks I don’t notice, but I know she is sad. I can see it in her eyes.” I wanted to run in and stop my grandfather from saying all these things, but I couldn’t.

    “Its not that easy.” Kimi mumbled, I leaned in closer to hear the conversation.

    “You love her, she loves you. I don’t see the problem.” my grandfather said. There was silence from Kimi.

    “I want you to be a good man and marry my granddaughter.” My eyes went wide when he said this. I couldn’t believe my grandfather was saying this. It wasn’t his place. It took every fiber of my being not to run in there and stop him, but I knew that would only make the situation worse.

    “I’m not the man you think I am. I am not meant to be married again. The first time it got screwed up and I can’t take that again.” Kimi said.

    “I know exactly how you are Kimi. I’m not blind an I’m not stupid. When you’re as old as I am you get to be a good judge of character. Sure the media paints you as cold, an iceman. And maybe sometimes you are, but deep down I can see a good man, that is why you race for this team. You are strong and I wouldn’t let you race under the Ferrari name if I didn’t like you. Now listen to me right now Kimi, I know you are what is best for Heidi, but if you can’t step up then I will do everything in my power to find her someone else who can make her happy and I know you’re the jealous type. How will it feel to watch Heidi walk down the aisle and marry another man? Is that what you want?” My grandfather had power and passion in the his. I heard footsteps coming out, Kimi must be mad. I quickly ran down the hall as quietly as possible. As soon as I ducked into a side hall I stopped to catch my breath. I stood there quietly clutching my chest as I watched Kimi walk passed. I prayed he wouldn’t notice me, and he didn’t I could see he was angry as he pushed a vase off one of the side tables in the hallway, he was furious.

    I knew Kimi hated being told what to do. This dinner was going to be interesting. I wonder if he will even show up. Of course he has to, so that I wont suspect anything. I snuck back to my room to freshen up. My curls had started to fall. I fixed my hair and make up. I took one more glance in the mirror. I suddenly felt self conscious about how short my dress was. Kimi would probably call me a slut. I looked down at my watch and realized I am about to be late. No time to change. I scurried out of my room and down the hall. I was running again, trying not to fall in my high heels. I ran through the foyer as a shortcut to the dinning room. I looked over in time to see Kimi open the front door. I stopped in my tracks almost falling in the process.

    “Well don’t you look like a whore?” Kimi sneered at me.

    “Shut up Kimi, I’m not in the mood. Lets just get this over with.” I avoided eye contact with him. “What are you doing out here anyway? Isnt it time for dinner?”

    “I was taking a smoke break. The others are already in the dinning room.” Dang I was late I thought.

    “Well, I have to go.” I turned to go but Kimi caught me by the wrist.

    “Why do you dress like that?” he hissed.

    “You can’t tell me what to do.” I said indignantly

    “You are an embarrassment. Little girl, trying to act grown up.” He muttered. This enraged me. He had no right to treat me this way. I haven’t done anything to him. I broke free from his grip and stormed off to the dinning room.

    I quietly opened the door walked in and took my seat. The salad course was already on the table so I knew I was in big trouble. My grandfather didn’t even look up at me. I took a seat next to my grandfather. I was thankful that this seat was far away from Kimi. Moments later he entered the room.

    “Where were you Heidi?” Fernando who sat on my other side whispered in my ear.

    “Just ran into some trouble on the way down.” I glanced at Kimi as I said this. Ferando gave a knowing glance and patted me on the knee.

    “So Heidi will be returning with you all for the British grand prix.” My grandfather said casually after taking a sip of wine. My food almost fell out of my mouth. This was not the plan. I looked panicked at Nando.

    “Well that’s great. I can’t wait to have Heidi back.” Nando smiled, I gave him a look of disapproval but he just chuckled. Kimi was silent.

    “Yes, she is such an asset to the team and its refreshing to have such a nice young lady around.” Stefano smiled. I saw Kimi roll his eyes at this, which made me even more angry.

    “Excuse me. I’m not feeling well.” I said politely. My grandfather acknowledged me with a nodded and I headed back to my room. I couldn’t believe he was doing this to me. I wasn’t ready to leave him alone and I certainly wasn’t ready to be around Kimi more than I had to. I stepped out on my balcony to take a smoke, something I normally didn’t do, but Kimi was driving me mad. I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Nico Hulkenberg.

    ‘I hear you’re coming back. : )’

    ‘That traveled quickly, but yes I suppose I am.’ I replied.

    ‘Well that’s great. I’ve missed having you around. Maybe we can hang out more when you get back?’

    ‘For sure! Anything to get away from the iceman.’ Maybe I could just avoid him.

    “Well, you come to me anytime you want. I’ll show you how a real man treats a woman.’ I smiled, butterflies went wild in my stomach. And right then I knew exactly what I was going to do.

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