Chapter 25: Icecream

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    I sat in the Ferrari garage watching the boys get ready. I kept rubbing the spot where my ring had once been. I was getting better, but I wasn’t healed yet and I knew there would still be a scar. Kimi had proudly worn the watch ever since I gave it to him. I almost wished Nico knew the watch had been meant for him so that when he saw it he would be jealous. It didn’t matter now. It was bringing joy to Kimi and that’s all that really mattered. I pulled down the skirt of my hot pink dress and messed with my hair. The engineers and pilots were busy fine tuning the cars. I enjoyed watching them, they were so good at what they did. It made me proud to be part of the Ferrari team. My phone vibrated on the table next to me. I looked at the message. It was a picture of an ice cream cone sent to me by Sebastian. It was mint chocolate chip, my favorite. Another text came in.

    ‘This ice cream has your name on it. ;) meet me outside the redbull infiniti garage.’

    I quickly jumped up from my spot and made my way to Sebastian. I never turned down ice cream. That is one thing Kimi and I have in common. As I neared the garage I could see Seb holding two ice creams. Unfortunately I was going to pass Nico to get there. I hurried hoping he wouldn’t notice me. Of course he did though. He looked incredibly angry. He turned to face me and I noticed bruising around his right eye.
    “Did you think it was funny to have that stupid Finn do this to me?” he pointed to his eye.

    “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kimi had punched Nico? I was so confused.

    “Oh sure you didn’t. Ten minutes after you ran out, he came and knocked on the door and when I opened it he punched me and told me not to come near you again.” he contorted his face in disgust.

    “Well you don’t listen to instructions very well then do you Nico?” I retorted. He cursed at me under his breath, then turned to go back to he garage. I ran over to Seb and grabbed my ice cream. Then I turned ran and caught up with Nico, grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around. I took the icecream and smeared it down his racing suit.

    “Suck it Nico.” I smiled and then bounced back to Seb who was standing there with a look of shock and amazement on his face. I didn’t turn around to see Nico’s reaction, but I would ask Seb once I got back to him.

    “I need a new ice cream.” I pouted to Seb,

    “I’ll buy you a thousand ice creams.” Sebastian grinned. We proceeded to walk towards the concessions where they sold the ice cream.

    “So what did he look like when I did it?” I asked Sebastian.

    “Like he was about to explode.” Sebastian chuckled.

    “Man, I wish I could have seen him. I figured it would ruin the drama though if I just stood there gawking at him.” I smiled.

    “It was brilliant. You’re my hero.” Sebastian paid for my new ice cream.

    We walked back to the paddock enjoying our ice creams. I kept making Sebastian demonstrate Nico’s reaction. It was priceless. Once inside the paddock I went back to Ferrari while Seb went back to red bull. As soon as I stepped into the garage everyone began to applaud me. I smiled, of course it had already gotten back to the garage what I had done. Kimi pulled me into a hug lifting me off the ground. He smiled, his scent was intoxicating. It gave me flashbacks to when I first met him.

    “Way to show Nico.” He put me down “Although you didn’t have to waste a perfectly good ice cream.” I laughed at this.

    “You have such Moxie.” Fernando congratulated me, patting me on the back.

    “Later Seb and I will reenact it. He does a great Nico impression.” I laughed. Maybe I could be happy without a man. I could stand up for myself more, and just be happy. Although, deep down I knew this wasn’t true. I wanted my other half. I needed someone.

    “I wish I could have seen his face.” Kimi was thoroughly pleased by my stunt.

    “It probably looked similar to the look he had after you punched him.” I placed my hand on my hip. Kimi put his finger to his lips and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a room in the back of the garage.

    “No one can know about that.” He whispered even though we were alone.

    “Why did you do that Kimi?” I asked, he wouldn’t make eye contact with me.

    “You weren’t supposed to find out.” He sounded like a child who had been caught misbehaving.

    “You didn’t answer my question.” I was getting frustrated.

    “I was so mad I couldn’t help myself Heidi.” he shook his head vigorously.

    “I don’t understand. Why does it matter to you?” I kept staring at him and he finally made eye contact with me.

    “You wouldn’t understand.” He frowned and looked away again.

    “Try me.” I crossed my arms.

    “Heidi… I’m,” There was a knock on the door that interrupted him. His engineer flung the door open.

    “Kimi, we need you to get in the car.” Kimi looked relieved to get out of the room. I just sat there for a while wondering what he wanted to say to me. What would compel him to go over to Nico’s room and punch him in the face. Kimi was such a mystery to me. One moment he hates me the next minute he is doing something nice more me. I think its mostly because he feels bad for me, or feels like its his duty since I’m his bosses daughter. After a few minutes I went back out to watch the rest of their practice.

    It was race day. I was wearing a tight leather skirt and a flowy white top and standing in the garage drinking my morning coffee. Seb had qualified for pole position and Fernando was right behind him. Kimi was in 5th but that was alright.
    The race began and they got off to a good start. Kimi quickly came up to third. I was cheering my Ferrari boys on loudly and in my head I was rooting for Sebastian too. I couldn’t be a traitor and root for him in the Ferrari garage though. The race went by quickly and Fernando came in first, Sebastian in second and Kimi in third. Two Ferrari drivers on the podium. I couldn’t have hoped for better. As soon as they got done being interviewed we all decided to go out and celebrate.

    At the bar we were all dancing and drinking. After a few drinks we even convinced Kimi to join us on the dance floor. Sebastian danced with Hanna and Fernando with his girlfriend so I mainly danced by myself or with them as a group. We took another round of patron shots and I was wasted. Once again. I think we were all pretty sloshed though so no one was judging. I pulled Kimi back out on the floor and began to dance with him. I was normally a very good dancer, (I had been blessed with excellent rhythm and I knew just how to move my hips) but I’m sure at this point I looked very sloppy. I took a miss-tep and almost fell, but I grabbed Kimi for support. My face was pushed into his chest and my arms were around his neck. He grabbed my waist to steady me and I looked up into his icy eyes and giggled. Leaned up getting my balance and then I pressed my lips to Kimi’s. He kissed back, I was being sloppy because I was so drunk. I locked my fingers in his hair and I felt his hands slid down to my bum as he deepened the kiss.


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