Chapter 22: Embarrassment

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    Before the race in Germany Nico took me around, showing me where he grew up and all touristy sights. We walked through the streets hand in hand. I was the happiest I had been in a long time, although that’s not saying much. Nico ran his thumb over the ring he had given me and occasionally leaned over and kissed me on the forehead or whispered something sweet in my ear. He was adorable and I had enjoyed getting to know him better. We were currently on our way to the first practice.

    “Darling?” he said bringing me out of my thoughts.


    “Are you enjoying yourself?” Nico asked.

    “I’m the happiest woman in the world.” I smiled, he smiled back at me and took hold of my hand again. As, we got to the track I knew we had to go our separate ways.

    “Well, I have to head over to Ferrari.” I frowned.

    “I won’t stop thinking about you until we see each other again.” he placed his hand on my cheek and looked deep into my eyes.

    “I wont be mad if you want to think about the race a little. I do want you to do well after all.” I winked.

    “Only a little. Mostly I will think about you.” he kissed me and we went to our respective garages.

    My good luck streak of not running into Kimi ended as I literally ran into him. He must not have realized it was me because he grabbed me to try and keep me from falling backwards. He quickly grabbed hold of my left hand and pulled me forward while placing the other hand on the small of my back. I looked up into his ice blue eyes, revealing my face and identity. He scowled as soon as he realized it was me.

    “Clumsy girl! Watch where you are going.” he scorned.

    “Maybe you could watch where you are going.” I shot back. I slowly realized his hand was still on mine. He ran his fingers across the metal band around my finger. He scrunched up his face in anger.

    “What is this?” he pushed my hand in front of my face flashing the ring before he let go of my hand. “Is this all he could afford?” He snorted.

    “Its not that type of ring.” I muttered. “it’s a promise ring. Just to say I am with Nico and my heart belongs to him and no one else.” I huffed.

    “You haven’t been with him very long. You’re jumping into this relationship foolishly.” Kimi spat. “Are you really that eager to hurt me that you will jump into a serious relationship with the first guy who ask?”

    “Kimi, not everything is about you! I’m not doing this to hurt you. I’m doing this because I need to be happy!” I raised my voice.

    “You don’t need him to be happy.” Kimi growled.

    “You would just like to see me alone and miserable for the rest of my life wouldn’t you?” I threw my hands in the air. “Would that make you happy? Oh right, you’re the ‘iceman’ you’re never happy.” I mocked.

    “At least I’m not a bratty little princess who doesn’t care about who’s life she ruins to get her way. You are just using Nico, and you’ll leave him too. As long as the princess is happy, who cares who’s heart she has to break?” I slapped Kimi as hard as I could across the cheek making a loud pop sound. I knew it had to hurt because my hand stung like crazy afterwards. I turned and stormed away, leaving Kimi there holding his injured cheek.

    I needed to escape from the track for a while. I knew what I had just done would be all anyone could talk about. I shouldn’t have done that, but I couldn’t help myself. That man always knows how to get the best of me. I began to cry, not exactly knowing why. I guess its because of the mean things Kimi said to me, but I knew there was more to it. As soon as I had gotten away from the track I pulled my phone out to make a call.

    “Grandfather?” I said as I heard the phone

    “Yes, Heidi? What’s wrong? You sound troubled.” He could read me like a book. Tears began to flow freely.

    “I hit him.” I cried.

    “Hit who?” My grandfather asked.

    “Well, really I slapped him. It was still stupid though. I’m so sorry.” I sobbed.

    “Who did you slap Heidi?” he asked again.

    “Kimi.” I managed, my grandfather chuckled.

    “I figured. What did the boy do?” My grandfather was still amused.

    “I don’t know why you’re taking this so lightheartedly. I’m going to be all over the tabloids and all the drivers and their stupid model girlfriends will be talking about me.”

    “Your grandmother slapped me when I first asked her out.” My grandfather began to reminisce.

    “Well he wasn’t asking me out he was insulting me.” I had stopped crying and was speaking clearly now.

    “Well that’s his way of saying he likes you.” he insisted, I rolled my eyes.

    “Don’t have an attitude with me.” my grandfather corrected me as if he saw me roll my eyes. I looked around to see if I was on camera and David Coulthard was about to step out and interview me about all of my misconducts.

    “Sorry grandfather.” I mumbled. “Anyway, what you see is what you get with Kimi. I’m pretty sure his insults literally mean that he hates me. No hidden agendas.”

    “We will see.” My grandfather said smugly as if he knew something that I didn’t. I was tempted to roll my eyes again but I resisted.

    “Okay, well I need to go.” I looked down at my tiffany and co. watch “practice one is over and I should go see Nico before he gets to worrying.”

    “I love you dear.”

    “Love you too grandfather.” I hung up the phone and began to walk back towards the track.

    I walked back to the track. The media was busy interviewing drivers so I had timed it perfectly. Hopefully my slap had gone unnoticed, but I doubt it. I headed towards the Force India garage. As I approached I saw Nico standing outside the garage talking to a woman long black curly hair. She was in a tight purple dress. I stopped in my tracks as I saw him hug and then kiss her before she walked away. I proceeded to walk to Nico. He smiled once he saw me.

    “Who were you just with.” I asked curiously.

    “Who dear?” he asked, I wasn’t in the mood.

    “The woman. The woman I just saw you talking to.” I left out the kiss because I knew I couldn’t say that nicely.

    “Oh, her?”

    “Yes, her.” I crossed my arms. He chuckled which irritated me more. Why was he laughing at this?

    “Dear, that was my sister. We are in Germany remember? My family lives here and they are all here to watch me race.” I knew my cheeks flushed red. I was so embarrassed of accusing him of anything.

    “Yes, darling you have nothing to worry about.” he smiled and kissed me.

    “Oh, I feel so silly now.” I looked down.

    “Don’t worry.” he pulled my chin up making me look into his eyes. “Remember the ring? I gave that to you because I love you.” He emphasized the ‘you’.

    I smiled. That was the first time someone has said that other than a family that I knew actually meant what they were saying. Nico loves me. I kept replaying the words over in my head. My happiness only grew. I know Kimi was right I hadn’t been with Nico very long, but I did know one other thing. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Nico Hulkenberg.




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