Love The Way You Lie by Eminem ft. Rihanna (Song Preference)

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Harry- "As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in a flight high of a love drunk from the hate"

Since the break-up you haven't gone out to any place that could remind you of him,that was difficult because he was everywhere, after so many nights crying you decided it was enough. He cheated on you with some girl in his American tour, and it wasn't the first time you didn't give him another chance, so you left your shared apartment and went back to your normal life. you decided tonight was the night when you will go out again, you called your friends they picked you up and you went to a new club that looked nice. You were trying to have a good, when you saw Harry very drunk with this caked-face bimbo, you try not to keep looking but it was very hard. He was completely trashed, you could tell and see he wasn't okay. He hasn't seen you yet so you move a bit closer and started to here their conversation. "So Harry, are we going to your apartment tonight?" "Oh yes babe, you're so hot." "And then you'll give me some money to buy things?" "Whatever you want.." Your heart was broken you couldn't believe your ears, you couldn't stand it anymore. "HARRY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Don't go with that girl please, just go home." You said the last part more calmly. "(Y/N)?? I'm so happy to see you, it has been a while hasn't it?" He gets close to hug you but you denied. "OKAY. You know what I can do what I want, she'll make me happy tonight. It doesn't have to be right,but it feels good. so if you excuse me, bye" And he left with her, you were feeling terrible, but theres nothing you could do, even knowing you loved him with all your heart you two just weren't made for each other.

Louis: " You ever love someone so much you barely breath when you're with them"

You were very excited and nervous at the same time, today was your first anniversary with your husband, Louis.
It was awesome but hard at the same time, sometimes he had to travel for week or months, but you also had to travel for days at times too. So you guys barely saw each other, but when you guys were together and in town, but when you two were together things were absolutely amazing. He had left 3 weeks ago to France and Italy. You heard the doorbell ring and you went to open the door, it was box that said, "For the greatest thing in my life- Louis xx." It was written with his letter, you got back into the house and opened it, the box had lots of things. A large letter that made you tear up a bit because it had the sweetest things. It had lots of your favourite things including, your favourite candies and chocolates,some of your favourite CD's and movies, and you thought that was it until you felt something, it was a beautiful dress of your favourite designer and favourite colour. The note attached to it said, "Put this dress on, I'll see you at 7, love you." It was 5'o clock. So you decided to get ready, you took a shower. After your shower you put your dress on, put on some light make-up, and put on your favourite flats. Finally, you were ready. When you had heard some footsteps coming up the stairs. And there stood your handsome husband in a lovely suit and tie. You felt so many butterflies in your stomach, you truly loved this man. "You look absolutely stunning (Y/N)" "Happy anniversary Lou." You kissed him, you were nervous but extremely happy. "Is the something wrong, love? You seem tense." " Well, have you ever loved someone so much. That every time you see them you have a lot of butterflies?" "Oh (Y/N), your so cheesy." he smiles "When did I get so lucky with you wifey." "I love you, Tommo" " I love you too, (Y/L/N)."

Niall: Silent broken records playing over. But you promised her next time you'll show restrain"

This is exactly what he was doing. He was playing all of your favourite records on replay constant. You had told him if he came home one more time drunk off his a** you would leave. He didn't take you seriously though. So, he drank until he could barely get home. So you left. Since then, all he's been doing is eat your favourite food,listen to your favourite records, and sleep barely..

Zayn: "You swore you'd never hit 'em Never do anything to hurt 'em Now you're in each others face"

You guys had always promised you'd never hit each other. But this fight happening right now, all those promises would be broken. You two could probably be heard from the streets with all the commotion. You were spitting venom and saying things you both would regret. " GOD, YOU CAN BE SUCH A BI**H!!" He spat. You couldn't control what you were doing and you slapped him right across the face. That's where it went way downhill than before.

Liam: "Maybe out relationship isn't as crazy as it seems, maybe that's what happens when a Tornado meets a Volcano"

Soul mates. That's what everyone called you two when they found out you and Liam were dating. He was the sweetest and most polite guy on earth and you tried be just as amazing and giving as him. Whenever he was on tour, he tried to get you to go, and if that wasn't possible you two would call,text,Skype, anything to stay in touch. He made you feel amazing and special. Everyone thought that you two were absolutely crazy for each-other, because you two did everything together, you wouldn't change the relationship for anything in the whole world. One day you were reading a magazine when you saw an article. "It looks like Liam Payne is going crazy for his girlfriend, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He used to be the mature one of One Direction but it now has been decided that he's back to being childish." You felt hurt all you wanted to do was make him happy, not to act like a child, besides that wasn't true at all he was still quite mature. When he got to your place you showed him the article. "Oh love, the media don't know me. They can't say all of that rubbish. They don't know about us so they can't judge"

A/N: I hope that this was good. It was kinda hard to write :D

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