The First Time He Says 'I Love You'

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Liam: "It's so beautiful out here," you admire, looking out at the dark and sparkling ocean, the salty breeze giving you goosebumps. "The ocean looks like a bunch of sparkles dipped in dark blue paint and then tossed in water." Liam laughs and smiles. "Only you could come up with such a unique--yet accurate--way of describing the ocean," he comments. You shrug and grin, leaning your head on his chest. "What can I say? I'm one of a kind." After a few moments of comfortable silence, Liam tilts your face towards his. "(Y/N)?" he says softly. "Yeah?" you reply. "I-I love you." His chocolate eyes stare into your own and you shiver with happiness. "I love you, too, Li," you breathe, before leaning in for a kiss. 

Zayn: "Wow! All of this for me?" Zayn exclaims, happily studying the neatly set table covered with trays filled with various pastries and breakfast foods. "Of course! This is what happens when I've got a new recipe book, a lot of free time and a boyfriend who happens to sleep late," you reply happily, popping a piece of blueberry muffin your mouth. "God, I love you," he blurts out. You pause mid-chew and look at him wide-eyed. "Uh, I mean--" he realizes what he said but quickly shakes his head. "No, I do mean it. I do love you. I love you," he exclaims, looking at you hopefully, waiting for you to respond. "I love you too, babe." 

Harry: "Give me that back!" you shriek playfully, jumping on top of Harry's back, reaching for your cell phone. "Nuh-uh!" he argues, holding the phone out of your reach. "I want to see what you're saying about me to your mum!" You tug at his curly hair. "Oi! The curls!" he groans, laughing anyways. "Gimmie!" you protest, tackling him onto the ground. You both plop to the carpet with a thud, you on top of him, laughing, phone long forgotten. Your face is inches from his, you can feel his breath. "I love you," he says suddenly, a serious expression across his green eyes. "I love you too, Haz," you reply honestly, kissing his nose. "Now, give me my phone!" 

Niall: "And then he started doing drunk karaoke!" Niall finishes his story about Harry's antics from the night prior, sending you both into laughter. You take a bite of steak and you both eat in a comfortable silence. After a moment, Niall sets down his fork and sighs. "(Y/N), can I tell you something honest? And be serious for a sec?" he asks quietly. You look at him with slight concern. "Of course, what's on your mind?" He bites his lip and shakes his head, a smile flickering across his lips. "I really mean a lot to me, I can tell you anything and you can tell me anything and we have so much fun together and you're beautiful and perfect and..." he looks down at his hands nervously and then back at you. "I can't believe I'm saying this..but...I love you. I love you SO much." You feel your heart beat faster and smile, grabbing his hand from across the table. "Niall...I love you,too," you reply. "I love you SO much." 

Louis: You wake up with a yawn, your head across Louis' chest and his arm around your waist. You two must've fallen asleep on the couch again. "Good morning, Sunshine!" Louis chirps with a laugh, his voice gravelly, having just woken up. "Good morning, Sunset!" you reply, poking his cheek. "Sunset?" he asks, grinning. "You called me Sunshine, I call you Sunset," you explain, smiling and crinkling your nose. "Ah, you're so cute," he replies. "I love you." "I love you too, Lou," you reply casually. He shakes his head, his tone a bit more serious, a smile still glittering across his face. "No, I mean I LOVE you. Love you, love you," he adds. "I love you LOVE you Love you, too," you reply, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss. 

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