You Have A Mental Disorder

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Harry: Anxiety. Your schooling was not going well at all. You were in your last week and all the stress was beginning to take effect on you. Badly. Your mental and physical health were showing clear signs of the anxiety. One evening, you were sitting at your desk studying while Harry sat on the bed playing with his phone. You could already feel your palms beginning to sweat as the pencil slipped through your fingers. You stared at the textbook, your mind drawing a blank. The words began to get fuzzy and out of nowhere, your head began to ache. Silently, you hid your face in your hands, feeling them shake. It was the start of an anxiety attack. You had got them often as a kid so they weren’t something new. You got up from the chair, knowing that what you needed was the comfort of your boyfriend. You headed over to the bed, sitting down next to him. Your mind was racing and you kept your face hidden in your hands. Harry wordlessly put down his phone and pulled you into his side. Silence took over the room as the two of you sat together, him gently rubbing your arm. “Deep breaths my love. Deep breaths,” he whispered. You followed his instructions and you began to calm down a little. “Take a break love. It’s getting late anyways. You need your sleep,” he would tell you, pulling the blanket over both of your bodies. “It’ll be okay.”

Liam: Bipolar Disorder. Liam had found out the bipolar disorder pretty early in the relationship. But he was still with you and he was only getting more used to the mood swings. You were getting better at keeping them under control but every once in a while, you just couldn’t stop it. Today was one of those days. You woke up feeling amazing. You had a warm shower and then went downstairs where Liam was sitting at the table on his phone. You skipped over to him and kissed his cheek. “Morning Li.” He smiled at you as you went to the refrigerator. “Good morning love. Sleep well?” he asked and you nodded. Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of anger took you over. “Liam where the hell is the milk? Did you even bother to pick some up like I asked? God, can you do anything?” You slammed the fridge and looked at Liam with angry eyes. His face was surprised, but it soon changed to understanding. “I’m sorry (Y/N), I’ll go pick some up right now.” He pushed back his chair and got up but you stopped him. “No… I’m sorry Liam. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” You ran your hands over your face and let out a sigh. Liam let out a sigh as well, walking over to you and pulling your hands away. “Love, it’s okay.” He kissed your forehead and you relaxed immediately. “It’s okay,” he repeated. “C’mon. Let’s go pick some up okay?” You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face. Even in your worst moments, Liam had his ways.

Niall: Paranoid Personality Disorder. Niall hadn’t come home yet and your thoughts were really eating you. With your boyfriend being in an extremely popular band, you were constantly worrying about him finding someone better. Although he always would tell you there was no one better, your thoughts would just not leave you alone. Finally, Niall walked through the door, looking exhausted. “Where the hell have you been?!” you semi-shouted at him. “Nice to see you too,” he replied sarcastically. “Seriously Niall, where were you?” you snapped, ignoring his last comment. Suddenly your disorder kicked in full gear. “Oh my god! Were you with another girl? Who is she? You’re cheating on me aren’t you?!” Niall’s eyes grew wide. “Jesus you didn’t even give me the chance to answer! I was at the studio, I had to work late. Did you not get my text?” Without a word, you reached into your pocket and grabbed your phone. Sure enough, there was a text from Niall saying he would be home late. Immediately the blush rose in your cheeks. You felt awful for snapping at him like that. As you looked up, Niall had his eyebrow’s raised, waiting for a reply. “I, uh… I got your text,” you said, chuckling nervously. “What’s going on (Y/N)? This isn’t the first time you’ve accused me of cheating. You always freak out when I get home late. Babe, it’s worrying me.” The sincerity in his voice almost scared you. But you knew you could trust him, so you told him everything. About the disorder and how it wasn’t how you wanted to react, you just couldn’t help it. By the end of your long explanation, you were in tears, leaning on the kitchen counter as Niall looked. “Hey, hey,” he cooed, coming up and wrapping you in a hug. “I’m glad you told me… I really am. Because now I can help you. I can help you baby.” You sniffled a couple of times and looked up at him. “Do you mean that?” “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. We can do this okay? You’re still the girl I fell madly in love with. I will always be madly in love with you.”

Zayn: Schizophrenia. Sitting in the living room, Zayn flicked through the channels, trying to find something for the both of you to watch. But you weren’t paying attention to that. Instead you were watching the animal shaped form up on the ceiling. It moved around, spinning and turning. Suddenly it made a funny noise, causing you to let out a chuckle. Zayn looked towards you, following your gaze up to the ceiling. Not seeing anything he spoke up. “What’re you lookin’ at there, boo?” he asked. You pulled your eyes off the dark spot. “Can’t you see them?” you asked. “See what hun?” Zayn’s eyebrow’s furrowed. “The animals! They’re everywhere. They’re telling me funny things. See? The cat is in the corner right now. It’s waving to you.” You finished explaining and waved to the empty corner. “Love… there’s nothing there,” Zayn said softly. “Yes there is. You’re not looking.” Zayn looked again but he still saw nothing. Gently he pulled your face away from the ‘animals’ you were seeing and made you look at him. “(Y/N), there’s nothing there.” His eyes held deep concern as he stared into your tired ones. “Love, this isn’t like you.” You looked at him, knowing perfectly well that what he was saying was the truth. Looking in his eyes, he was seriously concerned. “I don’t know,” was all you could say. “We’ll get help okay? Before this gets worse. I’ll stay by your side. I love you babe.”


Louis:Depression. You lay in bed next to Louis, your legs entangled with each other. The whole day had been spent lying in bed, not saying much to each other. Earlier that morning, you had woken up feeling awful. Your head was pounding and the bags under your eyes were very visible. The minute Louis saw you, he knew what it meant and insisted on staying with you. Apparently it was the right decision because at around noon, you had a small breakdown. Your boyfriend sat with you through the whole thing, helping you breathe and getting you what you needed to relax. Now you were completely relaxed as the long day came to a close. “Thank you,” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear. “Of course love.” The talking was kept to a minimal. He knew words weren’t always the right thing, so he gave you human contact. It was enough to keep you feeling safe. You both knew this would pass, that it wasn’t permanent. As long as you had someone who understood, this would be much easier to overcome.

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