He Changes His Mind On Your Wedding Day

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Niall: You were off in the back of the church, adjusting your veil for the 100th time that day, when Niall appeared in the mirror behind you. “Niall, what are you doing in here? It’s bad luck.” You turned to face him, a playful smile on your lips. But when you noticed the frown covering his face, your smile quickly fell away. “What’s wrong?” Niall looked you up and down, and a small smile found it’s way onto his face. It did not last long though, or stop him from saying what he had come to tell you. “We’re too young [Y/N].” “Too young?” you questioned, not quite sure where he was going with this. “Yeah, too young to get married today. I’m not ready, not now.”  You mouth fell open, “You’re joking? You have to be joking.” “I’m not saying I don’t want to be with you, I just can’t marry you now. I’m sorry.”

Zayn: “Today will be the best day of my life, I can’t wait.” You were so busy talking to your maid of honor about what was going to happen in mere hours, that you did not hear Zayn walk into your home. You only realized he was there, when his hand fell gently onto your shoulder. “Zayn! We were just talking about you!” You stood up, and threw yourself into Zayn’s arms. “I’m so excited for tonight.” The two of you hugged, but something in that hug told you something was horribly wrong. You still did not expect his words though, when they fell from his lips, “[Y/N], we can’t get married.” “What?” You arms fell away from him weakly, “What do you mean?” “Something doesn’t feel right about this. I should have said before today, but I can’t go to our wedding tonight, knowing I feel this way. I’m sorry [Y/N], but I can’t marry you.” Zayn left right after saying that, not even waiting for you to reply. And you were grateful to have your best friend there, to hold you as you cried.

Harry: “But-but everyone is out there,” you stuttered out, with your arms defensively crossed over the white fabric that covered your chest. “I know,” Harry sighed, while looking down at his feet nervously. “Everyone is here for us,” you said desperately  Harry refused to look up and meet your eyes, “I know.” You choked back tears, “And you’re saying you don’t want to marry me?” “I’m saying I can’t do this today. I’m having so much doubt, and I won’t do that to you.” Your legs felt so weak, and you had to sit down on the edge of the counter all your makeup was spread upon. “Why did you wait until now to tell me? I can’t go out there and tell everyone.” “I know, I will. I feel awful for doing this. I’d feel worse tomorrow though, if I didn’t.” Your makeup was now running down your face, as Harry turned to leave, to go and tell everyone else that there would be no wedding today.

Louis: “I do.” You smiled brightly when you said those words, your eyes seeing nothing but your soon-to-be husband before you. You really were not listening as things were said, it was all just motions to you. All that mattered was the ending, when you’d be Mrs. Louis Tomlinson, and everything would be perfect. “I-I-I….” Louis stammered out, unable to say the second part. “Louis, come on,” you whispered, while reaching for his hand to calm him. Something was going horrible wrong, and you knew it right away. For the first time you saw the look of desperation in Louis’ eyes, that you had ignored for so long. “Louis,” you said his name softly, squeezing his hand as you did. “I can’t,” Louis finally said, before he broke eye contact with you, as well as avoiding looking at any of the other shocked faces in the room. “I can’t [Y/N]. I’m so sorry, but I can’t do this.”

Liam: It was an hour before you were set to walk down the aisle, and you were a bundle of nerves. Liam was an amazing guy, and you did feel completely happy, but there was just something in your gut questioning if this was right. You were sitting alone, trying to calm your awful thoughts, when suddenly someone sat next to you. And just from the smell of his cologne, you knew who it was without having to look over. “Hi Liam.” “Hey.” “So one hour.” “Yep,” Liam said slowly, followed by a deep sigh, “You know we can’t do this, don’t you?” You should have been shocked by his words, but you weren’t. Instead of freaking out, you just nodded sadly. “Yeah, I do. Something is missing, and I can’t explain it.” Liam nodded as well, and put an arm around your shoulder, “I don’t know how we got here, from where we were when I proposed. I wouldn’t have, if I had known. I really did think I wanted to marry you.” You looked into Liam’s eyes, and hated how strongly you still loved him, even as you were having all these doubts, “I thought I wanted to marry you too.”

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