You Play Spin The Bottle And Have To Kiss Another Boy

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Note: before you guys are dating :)

Louis: "Oooh! Zaynie has to kiss (Y/N)!" Liam declares, noticing Zayn's spin has landed on you. "Kiss her and I'll shove the bottle up your ass," Louis comments suddenly, shooting Zayn an icy glare. "Louis!" you admonish, laughing at his sassy comment. "What's up with you?" Louis bites back a smile and shakes his head. Zayn raises an eyebrow and laughs, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I wouldn't do that to you, dude. I know you fancy her-" Zayn, realizing he'd just said a bit too much quickly shuts his mouth. "Lou, you fancy me?" you ask, raising an eyebrow and grinning. "It's true," Louis admits, blushing slightly. "I fancy you so much I'd be willing to kiss you," he adds with a teasing smile. You roll your eyes and grin. "Oh, well if you're willing to kiss me, I guess I'd be willing to kiss you," you joke, your face inches way from the blue-eyed boy. "Well, if we're both willing..." he breathes, placing his hand on your cheek and closing the space in between you, his lips meeting yours. 

Niall: "BIRTHDAY GIRL GOES FIRST!" Harry exclaims, handing you the empty soda bottle. After inviting the boys and a few of your friends over to have a party on your birthday, a game of Spin The Bottle had been suggested--and you weren't about to back out. "All right," you reply, grinning, placing the bottle on the table. You cross your fingers as you spin, hoping it lands on the blonde you'd been crushing on, Niall Horan. The bottle spins in a circle twice, landing on Liam. Liam frowns and looks up at you hesitantly. Danielle looks at you from across the table, then back to her boyfriend, as if wondering if you'd actually do it. "No offense to you, Liam, but you've got a girlfriend and..." you explain. Liam breathes a sigh of relief and nods. "No offense taken. I don't even want to play this game," he replies, looking at Danielle with a smile. Niall looks over at you and offers a cheeky smile. "Spin again, then," he suggests. "What's the point in spinning again? There's a small chance of even landing on someone I actually want to kiss--no offense to any of you guys," you say, raising an eyebrow. "Then let's make this game easier, who do you want to kiss?" Niall asks, whispering in your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine. "If I told you I'd have to kill you," you reply, right before his lips come crashing down on yours. 

Zayn: "Oh God," you roll your eyes as Niall's spin lands on you. Niall has to kiss you now, as rules state. "Uh, I..." Niall looks over at Zayn and then back at you. "Just kiss her already, oi!" Louis complains, itching for his turn to spin the bottle. "I can't kiss her," Niall mumbles, looking down at his drink. "Gee, thanks," you snap, slightly offended. "No! No! Not because I don't want to, I mean you're really pretty and awesome but, uh..." Niall fumbles for words, then shoots Zayn a glare. "Zayn told all of us before the game not to kiss you!" Harry blurts out, saving the Irish lad from explanation. "Harry!" Zayn says quickly, shaking his head. "Is that true?" you ask softly, turning your head to the toffee skinned boy. "Uh, yeah..." he mumbles, looking at the ground then looking back at you. "But, why?" you question, raising an eyebrow. "Because the only one I want to see kiss you is me," he says, leaning closer. "Aw, shit! Just kiss her already!" Louis calls out with exasperation, as Zayn pushes a strand of hair off your face and presses his lips against yours softly. 

Harry: "Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows!" Louis sings, as the wine cooler bottle you'd just spun swirls around the circle. It slowly comes to a stop, pointing right at Louis. "Well, that's awkward," Liam mumbles to Zayn from nearby. "Why's that awkward?" you ask, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I mean, it's awkward because Harry..." Zayn explains, getting cut off by Harry elbowing him. Rolling your eyes, you scoot over to kiss Louis, but Harry quickly jumps in front of you. "Wait! Don't kiss him!" he shouts. "Kiss me instead, please?" You raise an eyebrow and look at him with confusion. "But, why? I thought the rules said--" you begin. "Fuck the rules, I don't think I could stand you kissing another guy," Harry breathes, cupping your cheek with his hand. "Just kiss me." Well, if he insists! ;) You lean in and press your lips against his, entangling your fingers in his curly hair, the other boys whistling and making cat calls in the background. 

Liam: "Oh, lighten up! Come play!" Louis shouts at Liam. You look over at him from the circle and shrug. "Might as well play, there's not much else to do," you say. With a reluctant smile, Liam joins the circle and plops down next to you. "All righty, so rules are if you spin it, you kiss whoever it lands on--no matter WHO it is," Louis explains, setting an empty Corona bottle in the center of the group. "Even boy on boy and girl on girl?" Zayn asks skeptically. "Anything goes," Louis replies with a cheeky grin, shooting Harry a furtive glance. "So, who's going first?" Louis asks, looking around the circle. "I'll go first," Niall offers, slightly buzzed from the two beers he'd had earlier. He leans over and spins the bottle, landing on Harry. Harry raises an eyebrow smugly and Niall shakes his head. "Aw, fuck. C'mere Curly," he laughs, leaning in and giving him a quick peck. "Ooh la la, some Narry action," you tease. "For that comment, you can go next!" Niall replies, sticking out his tongue. You lean out and give the bottle a quick spin, Liam's eyes watching it closely. It spins, spins, spins and then comes to a stop on Harry. "Jeez! Did you rig this to only land on you, Slut muffin?" Louis jokes, elbowing Harry's ribs. You feel Liam's gaze and notice his hand gripping the carpet with frustration. "Go on! Kiss already! You're holding up the game!" Zayn calls out. Harry looks at you with a cheeky grin and leans forward. "Wait--" you say suddenly, leaning back. You notice Liam's grasp on the carpet loosen and you look over at him with a shy smile. "There's someone else I'd rather be kissing--no offense Harry," you explain, shooting Harry an apologetic look. "Really?" Liam asks quizzically. "Now, why would I lie to you, Liam Payne?" you reply, leaning in and pressing your lips against his.

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