How He Cheers You Up When Having a Bad Day (with Josh:)

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Louis: He'll make you laugh! Whether it's tweeting jokes, texting derp-y pictures or sending funny YouTube videos, he won't stop until you smile. It's like his personal mission is making sure you're happy again! 

Liam: He'll listen to you vent! No matter how long or boring or bitchy your rant is about your bad day, he'll listen! He'll truly listen to every word and offer advice and a shoulder to cry on without interrupting. 

Niall: He'll play guitar and sing for you. Nothing calms you down and cheers you up like his melodic voice and guitar strums. He'll act like your personal Jukebox, playing and singing any song you'd like. 

Zayn: He'll surprise you with something special. Whether it's just a carton of your favorite ice cream or a bouquet of flowers with a saying attached, it always cheers you up, knowing he was thinking of you! 

Harry: He'll pamper you and kiss away the sadness. He'll give you a massage, cook you dinner and be a good listener, making your day automatically brighter. Not to mention his fabulous kisses.... 

Josh: He'll cuddle up and watch movies with you! He'll let you choose the movie and he'll make the pop corn, both of you snuggling up on the couch to watch films and forget about the awful events of the day

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