Lazy Sunday Mornings

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Louis: "Lucky Charms or Cheerios?" he holds up the two cereal boxes, one in each hand and moves his hands as if weighing the options thoughtfully. "Lucky Charms," you reply, grabbing two bowls from the cabinet and setting them on the counter. "I'm needing some sugar this morning." He laughs lightly and tears the box open, dumping cereal in both bowls then tossing a handful in his mouth and chewing thoughtfully. "Betcha I can catch a marshmallow in my mouth," you propose, grabbing the carton of milk from the fridge and cocking your head to the side. His lips curl up in an amused smirk as he grabs a shooting star marshmallow and poises it in the air. "All right, but if you don't catch it then I get to pick what we do today," he counters, tossing the marshmallow and shaking his head when you catch it. "Sucks to suck, Lou," you tease, pouring milk in each bowl and passing him a spoon. "I get to pick the plan for today and I just want to stay inside with you." He grabs his bowl of cereal and gives you a quick kiss before sitting down at the kitchen table. "Looks like I won anyway...that's exactly what I was going to say." 

Zayn: "I have school tomorrow," you frown, glancing at the calendar on your phone and rolling over to face Zayn's tired eyes. "I have work tomorrow," he replies, stretching his arms and then wrapping them around you with a small smile. "But we still have today, and I just decided we should go out and get breakfast and do fun things," he says softly, his voice raspy and deep from just waking up. "That is, if you want to." You nod and run your hand across the light stubble on his jaw, his hazel eyes burning into your own. "But I have to finish my homework," you remember suddenly, your smile turning into a pout. "When has that ever stopped you?" he laughs softly, playing with strands of your hair. "Good point," you agree, slowly sitting up and resting on his chest. 

Harry: "I've heard of breakfast for dinner but I've never heard of dinner for breakfast," you muse, watching him set two plates of burgers and a dish of fries on the table. "Exactly," he beams, sitting down across from you and cocking his head to the side. "That's why I wanted to try it." You reluctantly take a bite of your burger and slightly cringe. You bite back laughter as he does the same, chewing his mouthful of food before setting the burger back on his plate. "Now I know why I've never heard of dinner for breakfast," you laugh, not quite liking the dinner food for breakfast combo. "It simply doesn't work," he agrees, smirking and revealing his dimple. "No wonder no one does this. It's weird." He hops up from the table and looks through a few cabinets before revealing a box of pancake mix proudly. "Now, that's more like it," you nod, grabbing a frying pan and syrup. 

Niall: "Today feels like a lazy sitting in pajamas and watching tv and playing video games and kissing kind of day," Niall yawns, stretching out his arms and kissing you good morning. "Today definitely feels like that kind of a day," you agree, lazily climbing out of bed and following him into the kitchen. "Today also feels like a dessert for breakfast kind of day," you laugh, nodding towards the leftover cupcakes from Louis' party last night. "And this is one of the many reasons I love you," he sighs happily, grabbing a blue-iced cupcake from the box and handing you a green one. "Today also feels like a wake-up-Louis-with-a-phone-call-because-he-is-hungover kind of day, too," Niall jokes, waving his phone in the air. "He's going to be so mad," you note, unwrapping your cupcake and taking a bite. "Do it! Do it!" you shout, plopping down on the kitchen counter as the two of you engage in a rather pissed off Louis via phone call and laugh until you can hardly breathe. 

Liam: "Time to get up, sleeping beauty," Liam teases, lightly shaking your shoulder. "Mmph," you mumble, turning over and meeting his gaze. "What time is it?" you mumble, smiling as you meet his familiar warm grin and brown eyes. "It's noon," he says softly, leaning over and giving you a soft kiss. "I'd let you sleep, but I have to go back on tour tomorrow and I want to spend as much time with you as I can." You smile and reach out your hands, giggling as he pulls you up and carefully tosses you over his shoulder. "First thing for today is some breakfast...well it's more like lunch considering it's noon," he laughs, bringing you towards the kitchen where he's got some pancakes and bacon. "And then I thought we could go see a movie or something," he offers, handing you a plate. "Sounds absolutely perfect," you admit, grabbing the syrup. "Absolutely perfect." 

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