How He Reacts When You Die

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Liam: "Why couldn't I have died instead? She had so much left to live for...I should've been there," Liam's shoulders shake as tears drip down his face. Niall gathers his friend in a hug and sniffs away a tear. "Don't say that, Liam. You know you couldn't have saved her, stop blaming yourself," he says gently. Liam steps back and shakes his head, "If I had been home, I could've stopped the fire...but I was half way around the world singing a stupid show. A show that means nothing! What good is doing shows and singing when I don't have..when I don't have HER." Liam is inconsolable as he sits outside of the burnt remains of your old home where you'd just moved in. "Why couldn't I have died instead?" he looks down at the picture of you in his hands and a tear slips down his cheek. 

Zayn: "How could you do this? How could you just leave? I needed you! You were my world, you ARE my world. Why did you have to leave?" Zayn pounds his fist on the grass, staring at your headstone with tears filling his eyes. "You weren't ready to go..." he trails off. He's trying to channel his sadness of losing you into anger, but it just isn't working. "We never got to visit Paris, like you always wanted. We never got to walk down the isle. Or have kids. Man, we would've had the most beautiful children," he shakes his head and looks up at the sky. "Why you had to go so soon, I don't know. I'll never know. I just hope, wherever we go when we're gone...I hope I see you again, cause now I only see you in my dreams." 

Louis: "Thank you for coming to the funeral," Louis hugs another person clothed in black as they leave your funeral. His smile is painted on, he can't break. He has to stay strong. Stay strong. "Sorry for your loss," someone tells him. "Not just my loss, the world's loss," Louis replies, kissing the person's cheek. Saying good bye to person after person until all that's left is him and Harry. "Harry, you can go now. I'm fine," he says, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder. "That's bull shit and you know it, Lou," Harry can read him so well. Louis stares at the closed coffin and finally breaks. "But I have to be fine, for her. She was so strong..." Lou's tears fall faster and faster. Harry pulls Louis into a hug and rubs his back slowly. "She was strong, but that doesn't mean you have to be. She loved you so much, and you loved her just the same," Harry says softly. After finally pulling himself together, Harry offers him a ride home, seeing as he shouldn't be driving in this state. "Yeah, man. Just one last thing, I'll meet you at the car," He watches his curly-haired friend leave the building and walks over to the closed coffin, placing his hand on top. "No one will ever replace you, (Y/N). Wherever you are, I hope you know just how much I love you, and how much I will always love you." He kisses the dark wood and grabs his coat, leaving the building behind, but never his memories. 

Harry: "Stop! You can't just drink away your pain like that! She wouldn't want you to!" Louis wrestles the beer bottle out of Harry's hand and the bottle shatters on the sidewalk, leaving bits of glass everywhere. "But, I don't know any other way, Lou," Harry whimpers, suddenly very vulnerable without a drink to hide behind. Lou silently sits beside his best friend, knowing how hard this must be hitting him. You were his everything. "That must've been what it looked like when she died. Glass all around her from the windshield," Harry kicks at the broken glass bottle, watching it glimmer from the street lamps. "The glass looks kind of like stars. I like that. Like tiny stars surrounded her when she died." Louis nods silently as Harry continues. "She didn't deserve to die that way. Getting hit by some ass hole driver." Harry shakes his head angrily and kicks the shattered bits of glass harder. "It's not fair! Why did she have to be the one he hit? Why couldn't it have been anyone else, why not me?" Harry starts to cry, crying because your gone. Crying because you were gone too soon. Crying because he couldn't have saved you. Crying because he doesn't know how to move on, crying because he never will. 

Niall: He places a single daisy, your favorite, on top of the freshly refilled grave. "The weather's real nice out, today. I bet you made it that way," Niall talks to the headstone, as if you were still there. "I know it's only been a day, but it feels like you've been gone forever. You know, I was thinking and the last words you ever said to me were 'I'll be right back' right before you left. Isn't that ironic?" Niall laughs to himself, not thinking it ironic at all. It was tragically sad and he knew it. "Your favorite song was playing on the radio on the drive here, I could almost hear you singing it." After a few moments of silence, Niall finally shakes his head. "I can't do this. I can't pretend you're still here. I can't pretend I'm talking to you..." he sniffs. "If you were here we'd be eating pop corn and watching a movie, we'd be laughing and watching the sunset and doing all the things...all the things you'll never be able to do now." He slowly stands up and wipes the grass from his jeans. "I don't know if you can hear me, or if you're looking over me...I just hope wherever you are is nice, and I hope they have a Nando's there," he smiles. "I hope that I'll see you someday soon."

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