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You're About To Get Married To Someone Else, But He's Your Best Friend And He Loves You... (Part 1)

Niall: "Nialler, why did you call me over here? The wedding is this weekend and I've got a ton of shit to do," you cross your arms and stare at the blonde sitting on the sofa of his flat, guitar perched on his arms. He looks up at you and motions for you to sit next to him. You plop down on the soft blue cushion and look at him curiously. "Niall, really, why am I here?" He sighs and looks down at his guitar. "I learned a new song, it's horrifically appropriate for how I feel right now...I wanted to play it for you," he says softly. Before you can reply, he begins to strum and his voice sings melodically. "I am not the type of boy, who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion. But you are not the kind of girl Who should be marrying the wrong boy..." Your eyes widen as you realize he's singing Taylor Swift's Speak Now. A song about how she's in love with the one getting married and wants them to sneak away....You listen in stunned silence as he continues playing, "Don't say yes, run away now, I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door. Don't wait or say a single vow You need to hear me out And they said "speak now" He finishes and looks up at you, a few strands of blonde over his face. "What I'm saying is...I can't watch you do this, (Y/N). You mean too much to me and I don't see you as just a friend...truth is, I'm in love with you," he says finally. 

Zayn: "What do you think of this dress?" you step out of the dressing room, the silky white fabric pooling around you. Your best friend looks up from his phone and smiles. "You look beautiful," he says. You spin in a circle and smile. "Really?" you ask, smoothing out the dress. "You look beautiful in all the dresses..." he sighs and his face loses its smile. "I really wish you hadn't asked me to come with you." You look at him, confused. "Why, Zaynie? I wanted my best friends opinion on the most important dress for the most important day of my life..." He shakes his head and stands next to you, sighing deeply. "Because seeing you in all these wedding dresses...I keep picturing myself being the one in the tux waiting for you at the end of the aisle, being the one you say 'I do' to. And I shouldn't be. Because you're getting married and I had my chances..." he trails off and you stare at him, heart pounding. "I love you, all right? And I...I can't do this." He shakes his head and makes his way towards the Exit of the bridal shop. 

Liam: "You look beautiful," your mother looks at your reflection and then smooths out a wrinkle in your dress. "Thank you," you smile at her. "Hey, where's Liam? I want to see him before the wedding!" you say excitedly, wanting to see your best friend. "He's my man of honor!" you add with a smile. Your mother shrugs and pulls something from her clutch. "He said he had to leave, that he couldn't do this," she says softly. "I didn't want to tell you before the wedding, didn't want to let it ruin your big day." Your face falls and you shake your head. "But...why would he..?" Your mother hands you a folded piece of paper and leaves the room. "He told me to give you this..." she says before she goes. You hold the letter in your hand, tears filling your eyes. Your best friend isn't going to be here? But...why? You open the paper with shaking hands and your eyes move across the page quickly. "Dear (Y/N), I'm so sorry to leave you like this and miss out on your wedding...I'm sure you're looking stunning. Your future husband Rob is so lucky to have you....But the reason I'm not there is because if I was there I know I'd do something that would ruin your wedding, and I don't want that. Because I can't watch you walk down the aisle and marry someone who isn't me. Because I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember, but I've been too afraid to say it. Guess this isn't a good time? If you do change your mind (I don't expect you to) I'll be at my flat. I love you, (y/n). And no matter what you choose, I wish nothing but the best. xx Liam" The letter falls from your hands and a tear slides down your cheek. 

Harry: "Remember when we were kids and we used to play all kinds of games," you reminisce, looking up from the favor box you're tying ribbon around. The wedding is next week and Harry, your best friend, was helping you do all the favors, tiny boxes filled with Jordan Almonds. "Yeah," he smiles and ties the green ribbon in a bow. "I think our favorite game was definitely wedding, remember? You'd wrap your blankets over your clothes like a dress, and I'd wear my dad's tie and we'd pretend," he smiles at the memory and you nod, remembering. "Remember when we said that one day we'd be in a real place and we'd have real wedding clothes, like a white dress and tuxedo?" You nod. "And we gave each other those rings from the vending machines and said they were engagement rings," you laugh. He smiles and he reaches in his pocket, pulling out a plastic ring from long ago, that'd been faded with time. "I still have mine," he says softly, his face more serious. "(Y/N), every time we played wedding when we were just kids...I couldn't help but think 'Wow, years from now this wedding will be real and I'll be marrying my best best friend', you know?" he looks at the tiny plastic piece in his hand and then looks back at you. "But that's not going to happen, because you're getting married to some guy and..." You look up at him, hands frozen and eyes locked on his. "I know we were just playing, but I want...I want that to be real. I want to look in your eyes and call you my wife and I want you to be Mrs. Styles and I don't want you to get married next week to some guy and..." he shakes his head. "I'm sorry to be throwing this all at you, I understand if you feel the same, but...I've been in love with you for so many years and...aw, fuck, I just wonder if you feel the same." 

Louis: "You look stunning," Louis smiles brightly at the sight of you in your long white gown and perfectly curled hair. "Thank you, Lou. God, I'm so nervous. I'm getting MARRIED in a few minutes," you shake nervously and smile. "Ah, you've got an eyelash," you tell him, leaning close to brush the eyelash from his cheek with your manicured finger. "Make a wish." He blows the eyelash from your hand and shuts his eyes. "What'd you wish for?" you ask him. But before he answers you, he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You pull away quickly. "Lou! What the hell? I'm, I'm about to get married..." you feel yourself start to cry. That kiss was very very wrong. but it felt...it felt very very right. And that terrified you. "I wished, I wished that I was the one you were getting married to today, because God damn it, (Y/N). I'm an idiot. A coward. I've loved you forever and now is the worst possible time to say it, but if I don't say it now, I never will," his eyes are filled with sadness and hope and desire. "I love you so fucking much and I...I KNOW you feel the same way. The feeling has to be mutual, it just..." he reaches out and grabs your hand and you look up at him from beneath your eyelashes. "Tell me you feel it too, tell me you love me too, tell me you won't walk down the aisle and marry that guy..." he adds in a voice barely above a whisper.

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