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I wake up. Sadly.

I roll out of bed, literally and get ready for school. I take the bandage off my hand and shudder looking at the cut, I quickly get a fresh one and put it on.

I then walk downstairs and start making mine and graces breakfast. I don't wake grace up because the hospital say she needs her sleep so I won't wake her up until it's nearly time to leave.

I walk to my room and I sit down at my computer and eat my toast while going through my Facebook page. I have 104 notifications, what's happening!

I find the source of all the notifications on ambers page and I feel like crying. Someone videoed me yesterday tripping over ambers foot. The caption reads nerd alert lol I cover my mouth as tears roll down my hot face. I then start looking at the comments.

What a freak

Did you see her face 😂 lol


Go amber best vid

I wouldn't ever show my face in public if I was her

This is why she has no friends



Whoever videoed this is my favourite person ever

Watch it on repeat it's even funnier

She's so lame

Apparently this chick goes to our school wtf

"Stop reading those" someone says and closes my laptop.

I look up and see ally and I start crying harder

"This is the worst" I sob

"Come here" she says and I place my head on her shoulder

"Why me" I sigh

"Aww it's okay" she says rubbing my back

"How am I suppose to show my face a school today?" I ask

"Just act like it doesn't faze you" she says

"But it does" I tell her

"Don't let it show" she tells me

"The worst part about it all was he was there and watched it happen" I shake my head

"Who was there, Dylan?" She says

"Yeah" I nod

"Hey, when he talked to me he seemed not to be a dick maybe he won't care" she says

"I don't want him to pitty me, anyone who sees this and doesn't thinks it's funny is going to pitty me. I don't want pitty that's why I don't tell anyone about grace" I say

"I'm sorry" she says

"It's not your fault, I need to go wake up grace" I say heading to the door

"Let me, you go clean yourself up" she says and walks to graces room.

I walk over to the mirror and I look like a wreck. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and tie up my hair into a ponytail.

I feel to hand wrap around my waist

"Don't be sad" grace says

"I am better now but thank you I needed that hug" I say turning around and hugging her

Good girl // bad boy Where stories live. Discover now