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It's not my choice but I get ready for school. I have a science test today and I can't miss it. So I get up and get changed for school. Not only do I have a test I have to tutor Dylan..


I get to school and I see Bella

"Hey" I say standing next to her

"Hey, how did yesterday go?" She asks giving me

"It went well" I smile

"Are you ready for science?" She asks

"For the first time..no" I say

"Wow, I guess you have had a lot on and haven't really thought about the test" she says

"Pretty much" I nod

"I herd your going on a date with Liam" she says as we walk to class

"Yeah in Friday" I smile

"About time" she laughs and we turn into our science class and take our seats

"Ready?" Ally asks

"Not at all" I sigh

"No talking and or cheating and if I catch you you get zero" sir says as he hands out the tests

I feel a pair of eyes on me

"Ally is Dylan looking at me?" I ask

"Yeah" she nods after looking

"Tell him to stop" I say

'Stop staring at her' she mouths at him

"Done, good luck" she says and we start the test

The test is on waves. I guess revision with Dylan helped me because I didn't have time to study.


The period ends and he collects our tests

"Your dismissed" he says and everyone gets up and starts talking

"How did you think you went?" Jake asks joining me and ally

"Better then I thought I would" I smile

"Same actually I feel good" jake smiles

"Hey" Liam says joining us

"Hi" I say hugging him

"Lets go gang" ally says and we all leave the room

Liam is talking to ally and I walk with jake.

"Are you tutoring him still?" Jake asks as we walk past Dylan and I look at the floor

"Yeah" I sigh

"Just be his tutor nothing else, he needs to live with what he said" jake tells me

"Yeah he will" I say and walk into math


The day sadly ends, I walk up to the library and he is already there. I take a deep breath and walk over

"Emma pleas-"

"The next topic we are doing is atoms" I say opening my book

"Come on don't do this" he pleads

"open to page 43 it is the start of the atom topic" I say looking up at him

He has Dark circles under his eyes, more scruff and cuts all over his left hand.

"Fine" he shakes his head and I look down

It starts to work, he doesn't talk unless I ask a question.

"Are you seriously going on a date with Liam" he bursts and I sigh

"Yeah I am" I nod

"The prick" he mutters

"I think your the prick here not him" I sigh

"Wow" he shakes his head

"I have had a lot on my plate Dylan I need someone I can rely on, that doesn't care that I am insecure, that will come with me when grace goes through chemo and someone I can talk to when my parents have a go at me and Liam does all that stuff" I rant

"I did all that stuff and I would of gone with you to chemo sessions with grace" he mumbles

"Well you messed up and said shit about me Liam would never do that" I say and get up
"I am not tutoring you anymore" I say

"Emma please don't do this" he pleads as I pack my things

"You can go find another stupid tutor" I say and walk out

For some reason I am fired up. I want to rebel or something.

I get in my car and drive to the hair salon

"What can we do for you?" The lady asks

"I want a hair cut" I smile


A few hours later it's done.

My hair that once reached my lower back is laying on the ground

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My hair that once reached my lower back is laying on the ground

"Do you like it?" The lady asks

"I love it" I smile

I pay the lady and drive to the hospital

"Emma?" says one of the nurses

"Yes" I smile

"Wow you look so different I like it" she smiles

"Aw thanks" I say brushing my hands through my hair

"I thought I should tell you The boy named Dylan was here before and he wanted to see grace and grace refused to see him" she tells me

"Go grace" I laugh and walk in

"Em?" She asks

"Yeah I got a hair cut" I say sitting next to her

"I really like it" she smiles touching my hair

"I herd Dylan came to see you" I say

"Yeah I said I didn't want to see him" she tells me

"Good work" I high five her "I don't tutor him anymore, it's to hard" I tell her

"That's fair" she smiles

I stay for a bit then go get dinner and come back. For the next few days she has chemo so I will be staying with her

Good girl // bad boy Where stories live. Discover now