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4 years later

I wake up alone for the first time in a very long time. I look around Dylan's old room and my eyes lay on something white in the corner of the room laying on a chair.

My wedding dress

I can't help but smile from ear to ear, today is the day the day me and Dylan get married!!

Of course he proposed at the top of the stupid rock at the beach behind his house, it was romantic as hell though of course.

It's now been about a year since he proposed and it's finally time to spend the rest of my days with him and him only.

We have decided to get married in our home town since all our friends are here and we flew our friends over from New York to be here.

I get out of bed throw on some jeans and one of Dylan's shirts and walk into the kitchen to see ally, Bella, Eliza and Aunty Jane gathered in the kitchen

"How's the bride!!" Eliza smiles running over to hug the life outta me

"I am great" I smile at them all and they all just smile at me like they are seeing me for the last time "I will be back" I tell them and walk out of the house

I get in my old shitty car and drive to the graveyard, I came here yesterday but couldn't find the words to say so I left, but I come today as well because I feel like today is important.

I sit at her grave and smile

"New York is amazing Gracie, you would love it there, it's very active and full of life just like you. We live in this amazing apartment over the restaurant which Dylan now owns and well me I work from 9-5 6 days a week in the cancer research facility and I work everyday to help find the cure to leukaemia so I can help people like you" I cry tears of happiness "I wish you where here for today to walk me down the aisle and help me to get ready, but I know you will be there just not in the way I wish you were, thank you for everything grace you where and are the best sister a girl could ever have" I smile "let's get married" I say getting up


I sit in the house as my makeup and hair gets done and I am about 30 minuets away from walking down the aisle and I am not at all nervous, I am ready

"You look amazing" Eliza says sitting next to me her hair and makeup all done

"So do you" I smile

"Thank you Emma" she tells me

"What for?" I laugh

"Being apart of his life and looking after him you are the best thing that ever happened to him" She cry's

"Don't cry" I say kissing her cheek "and he is the best thing that happened to me, and I promise I will continue to love him" I tell her and she nods silently

"It's time to get the dresses on" ally smiles from the corridor

"It's time to get the dresses on" ally smiles from the corridor

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I look at myself in the mirror and then my bridesmaids walk in

I look at myself in the mirror and then my bridesmaids walk in

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"Let's do this" I smile grabbing my bouquet

The ceremony is at the beach behind his house and I couldn't be more excited with the setting

I walk halfway down the path and wait

My bridesmaids go first then it's my turn

I walk myself down the aisle, Everyone turns to look at me...

But I only see him, the love of my life.

He smiles widely and I see tears in his eyes. I look across and see jake with a goofy proud smile on his face and I can't help but laugh a little

"Hi" I smile reaching Dylan

"Hey" he laughs and holds my hands

"We are gathered here today to acknowledge the love of Emma and Dylan...." jake says

Yes we got jake to do our wedding

" your vows" jake smiles

"Emma I promise to love you everyday forever, you changed me for the better and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here today, you are the strongest girl I know and it's a privilege to be loved by you and I am so ready for this next chapter with you" He smiles

"Dylan you are my rock, when things went south in my life you kept me from going off the edge and you always have, I can't wait to go through life with you forever by my side. You are my best friend, my soul mate and my lover. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me and for everything you are still to do, Let's do life together" I giggle

"You may now Place the rings on each other's fingers" jake try's to be serious

We exchange rings and I can't wipe the smile off my face

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, now kiss her" jake laughs and so does everyone else

We kiss and kiss that is unforgettable


"Dude we are married!" I smile as me and him get back to his house after the ceremony

"We are adults" he laughs and picks me up and swings me around

"I love you so much baby" I smile and he puts me down

"I love you more" he smiles and kisses me

"This is forever" I tell him

"I know, Let's do life together" he quotes

The end

That's the end guys!!! Sorry I didn't update the last chapter earlier I didn't know how to end it and I didn't know people where actually reading it! Thank you for all the love on this book it means the world to me❤️ I love everyone who read this!!
Comment if I want me to do a chapter where i write about them in 10 years

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