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I wake up with grace in my arms. She is still sound asleep.

I sit up and look around the room. This room couldn't be better fitted to Dylan if it's tried and it makes me laugh as I look at all the band posters that one night he told me the story behind each one.

In the back of my mind all I can think is that he isn't going to graduate after all of this. If it hadn't been of the fear of failing I would never of even talked to Dylan.

I crawl over the top of grace and walk out to the kitchen not without putting a hair of his boxers on.

"Good morning" eliza says from the Coffee table

"Hi" I smile and walk into the kitchen and find some food for breakfast

"He was worried this was gonna happen" she says

"Really" I say

"Yeah, that's why he wasn't gonna make a move on you but jake convinced him he should" she tells me

"And after everything it happened" I say walking out with a bowl of cereal

"Yeah, I am not mad at him he did what he did because someone hurt you" she says

"I'm not mad at him either but, he shouldn't of done it" I say

"True" She nods

"Did you find out how much the bail was?" I ask

"Yeah it's 15 thousand" she tells me

"Seriously!" I say shocked

"Yeah" she nods sadly

"Crap" I sigh

I luckily leave a spare uniform here I get changed. Grace is staying here with eliza and will probably visit Dylan.

I drive to school

"Hey" I smile to jake and ally

"Hey" ally says hugging me sadly

"What can you tell us?" Jake asks

"He is going to be in there for 3 years and the bail is 15 thousand" I say

"Shit, he only punched the man" ally says

"He punched my dad" I say and she nods understanding but jake doesn't

"What's so good about your dad?" Jake says

"First up he is super rich because of his job of being a lawyer" I say and his eyes open wide

"Oh" he nods

"Yeah" I say and the bell rings


The day passes and it's finally time. I get in my car and drive to Dylan.

I don't bother changing I just need to see my boy.

I park and look at the building. I take a deep breath and walk in.

"Hello there baby girl" says the guy at the counter

"Excuse me?" I question his statement

"What's a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this?" He asks

"Visiting my boyfriend" I smile

"Oh, get a name tag" he says

"You like 5 years older then me dude that's gross" i say as I make a name tag

"Who are you here to see?" A guard asks me

"Dylan Campbell" I smile

"Are you his girlfriend?" He asks as we walk

"Yes" I nod

"He hasn't stopped taking about you" he groans

I get seated in a booth and phone in the wall and a see though plastic walk in front of me

"I will go get him" the guard says and walks away

A few minutes later I hear footsteps on the other side of the plastic wall and suddenly his face appears making me smile

He sits down and picks up the phone and so do I

"Hi" I smile

"Hey beautiful" he says

"How you doing?" I ask

"Well not that great but they tell me bout 2 months in you get use to it" he says

"I am so sorry" I sigh looking down

"Hey, it's not your fault baby. It was my choice to hit him" he says and I look up at him. I notice a slight bruise on his cheek bone and the already apparent scruff

"I miss you already" I admit

"I miss you too, you have no clue how much I wanna break this plastic walk and kiss you one last time" he says

"What?" I ask my heart stopping

"Emma..I am gonna be in here for 3 years" he says

"So..." I say

"I don't want you to wait for me, I want you to experience the world be an amazing scientist and make new discoveries" he says

"I will wait for you Dylan I want to wait for you" I say

"I don't want you to wait for me" he says harshly

A tear falls down my face

"Don't cry sweetie" he says I can hear he is trying not to cry as well

"But I love you" I say

"I love you to" he says and take the phone off his ear

"No Dylan!" I cry as he hangs up the phone

"I love you" he mouths

"Don't no this!" I scream as I cry but he just walks away

I sit in my seat and cry.

"Come on" says the guard helping me up and walking me out "have a good rest of your day" he says and I nod and walk out

I sit in my car and cry.

How could he do that?

I end up driving home and my parents are there.

I get out and walk in

"Where have you been?" Mum asks

"I hate you both so much! You have ruined my life over and over but this hurts most" I scream and cry "I hope your happy that you ruined my life I have to live the rest of my life without him thanks to you! Rot in hell" I yell and run to my room

I turn my music in so loud the walls shake and I pack everything up, my clothes my posters everything. Into all the bags I own.

About an hour later all that is left is the sheets on my bed.

I grab all my bags and drag them out of my room

"Where do you think your going?" Dad asks as I get downstairs

"I am going to stay at Aunty Janes until I graduate I don't want to be in your presence ever again" I spit at them and walk out.

It's raining hard but it don't even notice

I pack my car and drive to Aunty Janes house

"Honey" she pouts as I knock on the front door and let's me in.

I sit and tell her what happened over dinner but suddenly my phone rings

"Hello" I answer

"Hey are you coming to get grace?" Eliza asks in a cheerful voice

"Can you look after her and I will figure it out tomorrow" I say

"What wrong?" She asks

"I moved out of my parents house and I am staying at my aunties house" I say

"Why?" She questions

"Because if I wasn't for them Dylan would still be by my side not telling me not to wait for him and to experience life" I say

Good girl // bad boy Where stories live. Discover now