Chapter 24

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10 years later

I wake up at 6:55am and I know my alarm is going off at 7 so I realise there is no point trying to fall back asleep. I stare at the roof and I feel Dylan move next to me. I smile to myself and suddenly the alarm is screaming at us to get up

"Let's go" he sighs and rolls out of bed

I laugh and get out and follow him to get ready. I hear the kids down the hall excited to start their first day of a new year pulling on there school uniforms and singing.

After I get ready for work I walk down the hall and get attacked by child 1 eldest Michael. He is 8 looks exactly like Dylan got his personality to already had some school troubles with him

"Hey mum" he hugs me

"How are you handsome" I ask kissing his head

"I am great" he smiles

"Ready for another year of school" Dylan comes running by picking Dylan and over his shoulder and running him down the hall with giggles and I smile

I turn into the next room where child 2 is...grace

"Good morning Gracie" I smile as I watch her brush her hair in the mirror

"Hi mummy" she smiles, this one is 6 and looks like grace when she was younger

"Let's go have breakfast" I take her hand and lead her to the kitchen

We sit as a family at the table sharing laughs and smiles over a riches breakfast before we all rush off to our days. Dylan to his restaurant still below the apartment we use to live in and me to the science research centre and these two gems off to school.

Dylan leaves for work and I decide to walk Michael and grace to school. One in each hand we walk through the streets of New York

"You grow up here mummy?" Grace asks

"No I grew up in a beautiful place a bit away from here with your father" I tell her

"Can we go there one day?" Michael questions

"Of course" I smile but painfully.

We haven't been back since me and Dylan got married things got complicated here very quickly once we got married. Eliza got very sick and we had to get her moved to a hospital close to us cause we ran out of money cause Dylan's restaurant got robbed. They cut my division at work so I was out of work for a bit but then there is Mum and dad of have practically forbidden me to go back while still married to Dylan. Things got complicated...but it means I haven't visited Grace in 10year even though I swear I talk to her everyday


The day passes slowly, the holidays have just been and I miss spending all my time with my family and Dylan must of as well as he was texting me all day long saying he missed me then I smiled at I went through my phone seeing old pictures of me and him and now the pictures of our family and I tear up

My life wasn't exactly perfect well it was far from it but this one guy fixed that and made it perfect and what I thought was whole until we had these two kids and I wonder how I ever lived my life without them. Grace would be proud.

Me and Dylan meet at school and as the bell rings we are engulfed with the hugs of our two beautiful children that filled us with joy.

Hand in hand we walk together home

"Dad" grace says "can we go to where you grew up?" She pleads

Dylan looks at me and I sadly smile

"You know what...yes" he says and I smile and the kids go crazy "it's about time we go home" he whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek

The kids run inside joyfully and Dylan stops me from walking inside

"I have a present for you" he smiles

"What?" I laugh a bit worried

He walks inside and I follow slowly and suddenly this golden puppy appears and runs to me

"Meet Oscar" Michael calls with a giggle

"Oh my god" I nearly cry picking him up

"Now we are a full family" Dylan hugs me and Michael and grace come to join

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