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It's been about a week.

They are keeping grace in the hospital and she is going to undertake her first chemo treatment for awhile tomorrow.

I haven't seen my parents in awhile, I stay at Dylan's house a lot or at the hospital.

I get up to the smell of something cooking in the kitchen. I get changed and put my jumper on and walk out into the kitchen

"Morning" eliza says

"Good morning" I smile and sit at the bench

"I am making bacon and eggs" she says

"Yum" Dylan says joining me on the bench

Things between me and Dylan are great. I really like him, like really. He is so nice and fun to hangout with

"Dig in" eliza says handing us a plate each of food

"Do you get the results for that math test today?" I ask Dylan

"I do and stop acting like my tutor when your not tutoring me" he says

"A friend can ask is you get a test back!" I defend

"Don't be that friend then" he laughs

"Fine what friend do you want me to be?" I ask

"Just be you" he smiles finishing his breakfast

"Cute" eliza says

"Thanks" he says putting the plate in the dishwasher

"Dang it's raining!" I say looking outside

"Looks like your driving to school" He says


I drive us to school and we go to class.

"Stop looking at your boyfriend" I groan at ally

"Why he's hot" she says staring at jake

"Ew" I sigh

"So how is it with you and Dylan?" She asks

"It's great, I don't no what his feelings are" I say

"Jake told me he doesn't actually properly date girls a lot...well ever so he might be nervous" she says

"Yeah" I nod

"Ally emma stop talking" mr grove says

"Sorry sir" I laugh and look over at Dylan and he is shaking his head and has a big smirk on his face.


It's time for lunch

"Where is Dylan?" Jake asks

"Don't no lets go look" ally says

We walk through the halls and I stop at a classroom when I hear his voice and jake and ally listen to

"Dude did you seriously get top in that test?" A boy says

"Yeah" Dylan laughs

"What's going on with you? More importantly what's going on with you and that nerd emma?" The boy says

"Emma?" Dylan asks

"Yeah her" another boy says

"Oh well.." Dylan starts

"Do you just want to fuck her then leave her cause if that's it it's cool but otherwise you kicked out of the group like jake" a boy says

"Emma.." jake starts

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