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I wake up at about 10am. The last thing I remember is watching ant man on the tv outside.

I get out of bed and look outside. It is sunny, I then decide to change into

 It is sunny, I then decide to change into

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I then walk outside. There is a note on the kitchen table

Went out to get food

I smile and walk outside. It is already pretty hot out. I then hear his bike and he comes into view

"Morning" he smiles getting off

"Morning" I say

"I got you fruit salad cause I no how much you like it and I got you a coffee, 1sugar" he smiles

"Wow thanks" I say surprised

"Did you bring swimmers?" He asks

"I actually did" I laugh as we walk inside

"Well after breakfast before going to the hospital do you wanna head down?" He asks

"I would love to" I smile

"Great" he smiles

We eat breakfast with no lack of conversation. We then go get changed for the beach

I put my clothes from before over the top and slide on some flip flops

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I put my clothes from before over the top and slide on some flip flops

"Here is a towel for you" Dylan says giving me a towel

He has a white shirt on and navy blue board shorts

"Lets go" I smile and we walk the track to the secret beach

"The trick to this beach is to not die" Dylan says when we put out things down

"Wow" I say taking my glasses off

"I have never seen you without glasses, can you still see?" He asks

"No amazingly but I can" I say

"That's cool" he says taking off his shirt

"Yeah" I say not wanting to stare but also really wanting to stare

Good girl // bad boy Where stories live. Discover now