{14} Juvie Blake (is Sexy)

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As I'm standing at my locker, rummaging around to see if I could find any Oreos, someone comes up and slams my locker door closed.

"Yo, what the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid ass, pig-faced puta?!" I exclaim as I spin around and come face to face with the school's stoner, Jasper White. "And dude, take a shower! You reek of weed!"

He leans on the locker next to mine. "You, on a date with me, tonight. 8:30."

"You, going to get your ass kicked by me, today, in a few seconds if you don't fuck off." I shoot back.

"Little girl, you are going on a date with me, whether you like it or not!" He growls, grabbing my wrist tightly.

"Ow, what the fuck! Let go!" I curse before pulling my wrist back and throwing my other fist out, punching him square in the eyes, making him stumble back, cupping it. "Leave me alone, asshole!"

No doubt he's going to have a nasty black eye tomorrow.

"You bitch!" He insults.

He takes a step towards me again, but another fist flies out and hits him in the nose.



Almost immediately, Blake pins Jasper too the ground and throws continuous punches to his face.

"Didn't she fucking tell you to leave her the fuck alone?!" Blake shouts as he keeps punching Jasper.

"Shit." Tyler gulps from next to me. "It's Juvie Blake."

"Juvie Blake is very sexy." I state, not looking away from the scene. A large crowd has formed around them and everyone is yelling and cheering.

"Not the time, Lee!" Ryder scolds me.

"Whatever." I shake my head. "You have to stop him before he puts Jasper in hospital and lands his ass in jail. Not Juvie. Jail!"

Ryder and Tyler both step forward.

"Come near me, I'll turn you inside out by your asses!" Blake threatens scarily.

Ryder and Tyler share a look before stepping back and hiding behind me.

I roll my eyes. "Wow, my heroes."

"Shut up." They grumble in unison.

"Blake, stop!" I shout, but he doesn't listen. "Blake!"

I bite my lip before making a dangerously stupid decision.

I run over as my brothers try to unsuccessfully stop me and stand between Blake and Jasper just as Blake lifts his arm ready to throw another punch.

I close my eyes and wait for the impact as Blake's arm moves forward and everyone holds their breath.

When nothing happens, I speak up.

"Am I dead?"

No one answers, so I slowly crack open my eyes and see Blake's fist right in front of my face.

I blink. One. Twice. Thrice.

"Holy shit!"

I look past the fist and my grey eyes lock with those dark and dreamy ones.

"You idiot!" Blake drops his fist and engulfs me in a tight hug. "Were you dropped on your head as a baby?! I could have punched you, Amore!"

"But you didn't." I hug him back, burying my head in his chest

"If you do something like that again, I swear to God, I'll kill you myself." He buries his face in my hair.

"Is that a threat?" I ask, my voice muffle due to his lean chest.

"Of course it's a threat, you dumbass!"

"Hey! I don't appreciate being called a dumbass!"

A pained groan from behind me makes us break away and look at Jasper, who is leaning against a locker, his face bloody and beaten.

Blake steps forward but I pull him back.

"I got this." I smile at Blake who raises an eyebrow at me.

I turn around and look at Jasper with a sickly sweet smile.

And kick him right in the balls.

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