{39} Dead Person Woods

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"'Lets go exploring', they said. 'It'll be fun', they said." I drone sarcastically, repeating what Blake, Ryder, Tyler, Carter and Kiev said to Rose, Harmony and I earlier. "'We're going to die' I said."

"When did you say that?" Carter questions me in confusion.

"Right now!" I exclaim. "We are going to die out here!"

Here we are, in the middle of some haunted woods that Tyler found a website of online. Apparently, people also commit suicide out here, so there's a chance we might come face to face with a dead body hanging in the trees.

And they made us come in the middle of the night.


"Hey, girls?" Tyler speaks up. "Remember, if you see a serial killer, run."

"WHAT?!" Rose, Harmony and I all snap our heads over and glare at him.

"I didn't tell you?" He questions. "People have been murdered in here, too."

"How many?" Harmony questions.

"About twelve." Ryder answers.

"Make that thirteen." I say.

"What? Who?"

"Tyler!" I answer, lunging at said idiot.

A pair of arms grab me mid-flight, holding me back.

"Let go of me!" I slap Blake's arms off me. "I'm not talking to you, you dick-ass bitch!"

"Fine." Blake lets go of me, crossing his arms.

"Fine." I cross my arms.

"Good." He turns away from me.

"Good." I turn away from him.

"What just happened?" I hear Kiev question.

I'm mad at Blake because I found out that he had a girlfriend before he went to Juvie, and they hooked up at a party a few weeks ago, and Blake's mad at me because he found out I hooked up with some random at the same party.

Don't worry, you guys'll get over it.

Yeah, when he stops being a baby about something that happened when we weren't dating!

You hooked with someone, too! Why did you even hook up with some random at the party?!

I was drunk...and he was hot.

Wow, amazing excuse...idiot.

Hey! He hooked up with his ex, so we're even!

You're both idiots!

We all keep walking forward.

I catch a glimpse of something and shine my flashlight down on it.

"Is that--holy mother of Satan's dick!" I yell, cutting myself off. "They're bones! It's a skull!"

"What?!" Rose shrieks.

"Holy shit!" Tyler and Ryder shout in unison.

"Oh my god, is it a human skull?!" Harmony screeches.

"I hope not!" Carter screams.

"Fluff-Fluff, please tell me that isn't a human skull!" Kiev prays.

"Relax! Relax." Blake calms us down. "It's a deer skull."

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