{26} Pizza with Blakey Boy

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"So from that whole encounter, I've gathered that you dated that figlio di puttana?"

"Worst mistake of my life." I admit, taking a sip of my coke. "Did you just call him a son of a bitch in Italian?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Blake asks me.

"One of mom's friends is Italian and used to teach us when she came over." I explain just as our pizza arrives.

Blake watches me take a bite of my slice of Hawaiian pizza, a disgusted look on his face. "How can you eat that shit?"

"It's good!"

"Amore, pineapples on pizza? Hell no." He shakes his head. "That is not real pizza."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Italy." I say sarcastically. "I didn't know eating pizza with pineapples on it is a crime."

"It is in Italy!"

"Look at my face." I point at my face. "This is the face of a person who doesn't give a shit."


"Alright, can we stop arguing about pizza?" I cut him off. "I'm over it."

Blake glares at me but keeps quiet, taking a bite of his pepperoni pizza.

We eat our pizza in silence for ten minutes.

"Blake. Blake. Blakey Boy. Blaaaaake. Blake the Cake. Bla-"

"What, Amore?!" He snaps.

"Jeez, no need to be all Grumpy. You're not a dwarf." I grumble, pouting.

"And you're not Snow White." He rolls his eyes. "What is it?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I just wanted to annoy you."

"Well, it worked." He rolls his eyes, a chuckle escaping his mouth before he turns serious. "What happened between you and that puttana? I know he cheated on you, but what actually happened between you guys?"

"Long story, short, he asked me out, we dated for seven months. One day, we went to a party, walked into the bathroom, caught him cheating with Crystal Del Taco." I explain briefly.

"Next time I see that fool, I'll fuck him up." Blake mumbles. "And Crystal Del Taco? I'm going to call her that from now on. Oh, and you can fuck her up. I know how bad you want to."

"Finally, someone who approves of me being a violent bitch." I sigh happily.

"Amore, I've known you for almost a year now. Nothing can stop you from being a violent bitch anyway." Blake chuckles.

"Blake, let's share memories." I suddenly say.

"Uh, alright." He agrees. "You first."

"Okay, what's your best memory with my brothers?"

Blake thinks for a bit before chuckling quietly. "One time, we skipped school, hot wired Ms Hayfer's car, took it for a spin in the mud, got some McDonalds, crashed the car into a tree, Ryder and Tyler threw glue and glitter on the roof, I graffitied on the bonnet, then we took it back to school before the last bell rang."

I almost choke on my drink. "That was you guys? Oh my life, you idiots slay my life."

"My turn." He chuckles. "What's your best memory with your brothers?"

"A few years ago, on April Fools, we decided to prank Carter, Kiev, Rose and Harmony." I tell him, chuckling to myself at the memory. "We rigged Carter's locker to explode with glitter when he opened it, we dyed Kiev's hair pink and shaved his eyebrows in his sleep, we drew on Rose's face with Sharpie and dyed her eyebrows blue, and we put a snake in Harmony's pants."

"You three are real pieces of work." Blake laughs. "Once, my dad and I-"

I furrow my eyebrows as Blake cuts himself of abruptly, his face conflicted and his eyes sad.


"Remember when I told you my dad picked my name, but then I got mad and left?" He questions me.

"Yeah?" I say but it comes out as more of a question.

"Amore, my father's dead."

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