{36} Mrs McKlay

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"Mrs McKlay!" I burst through her office door, Blake in tow.

"Mini Summer-Storm number two." Mrs McKlay smiles. "What can I help you with?"

"I got a boyfriend." I state, holding up Blake and I's intertwined hands.

"Huh, Ryder and Tyler weren't lying when they said you two would make a perfect couple." She says, a small smirk on her face.

Blake and I share a look. Blake opens his mouth to speak but Mrs McKlay cuts him off.

"I'm impressed." She states, an eyebrow raised. "The first couple in your family tree since Stayden I didn't have to meddle in."

"Wait, meddle?" I repeat, an eyebrow raised.

"Honey, who do you think created Stayden?"

"You created Stayden?" Blake questions, his mouth agape.

"Duh." Mrs McKlay rolls her eyes playfully.

"How?" I ask curiously as Blake and I sit down in the chairs in front of her desk.

"Well," she starts. "It all started in art class..."


"Okay, class," Miss McKlay, aka the best teacher ever, walks into the class. "I'm am going to be putting you in partners for this class, so listen up." She picks up a piece of paper and starts reading off it.

"Lilly and Max.

Jonah and Kendra.

Mia and Flynn.

Sally and Antonio.

Greg and Jane.

Billy and Mandy.

And last but not least...Summer-Storm and Kayden."

As soon as their names leave Miss McKlay's lips, Kayden and Summer-Storm abruptly stand up and yell, "WHAT?!"

Miss McKlay just gives them a smirk before telling them to sit down. "These will be your partners for the rest of the year. Today, you will be drawing a sketch of eachother."

Summer-Storm immediately start coming up with ideas of drawing Kayden, such as drawing a stick figure, drawing a dead guy, drawing Romeo and Juliet on their death bed...without the Juliet.

But her evil plans are soon crushed as Ms McKlay adds an instruction. "And do it properly. This is worth 30% of your final grades."

"Damn." She mumbles as she get some paper and a pencil.

Time to draw Satan's child.


Thirty minutes later, an expert drawing of Kayden sat in front of Summer-Storm.

All the small details drawn in that one sketch.

From his messy black hair, down to his dimples.

Yes, dimples. The devil has dimples.

And guess what. She got him to smile. And that's what she drew.

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