{20} Run Forest's Offsprings Run

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We all share a look.

"RUN!" Ryder, Tyler and I yell in unison before starting to sprint.

"Screw running." Blake stretches his hand. "A good punch should do it."

My brothers and I look at each other before going back over to Blake.

Ryder slaps him on the back of the head, Tyler whacks him in the stomach and I punch him in the chest.

Momma bear roars again.

I grab Blake's shirt and drag him with me as we all start running again.

"Amore, would you let go of my t-shirt?!" He yanks my hand off his t-shirt and replaces it with his large hand instead.

I look behind us and see an abnormally large bear chasing us.

"Holy mother of Satan's dick! Run like your fucking asses are on fire, people!" I shout, making everyone run faster.

I look over at Tyler.

"YOU BROUGHT THE BEAR?!" I screech, looking at Winnie, who is safely in tucked in Tyler's arms.

"Of course I brought the bear!" Tyler shouts back. "If I didn't, that giant ass bear would have eaten him!"

"That's his mother!" Ryder yells. "Why would a mother eat its baby?!"

"Tyler, put the bear down!" I demand.

"No!" He hugs Winnie.

"Tyler, which would you prefer," Blake starts. "The bear killing you? Or me killing you?"

"Pfft, you would never hurt me." Tyler scoffs.

Blake just grumbles under his breath at the accurate statement.

"Maybe he won't hurt you," I say. "But I sure as hell will "

Tyler's eyes widen as I raise a fist and he throws Winnie behind him, right into Momma bear's face.

Momma bear catches Winnie in her large paws as he slides off her face and put him down gently before letting out the loudest roar yet.

"That's great Tyler! You just made her even madder by throwing her baby at her face. She just loves us now, doesn't she?!" I yell sarcastically.

"Ty, if this bear doesn't kill us, dad definitely will!" Ryder shouts as we run even faster.

"Would you three shut up?!" Blake shouts. "Split up!"

"Wha--NO!" Ryder and Tyler shout simultaneously. "We are not leaving our baby sister!"

My eyes widen as I see crossroads in front of us.

"Too bad!" I shout as Blake and I run left and Ryder and Tyler run right. "Sorry, guys!"

"We're going to kill you!" Ryder shouts as we run further away from each other, until eventually we lose each other.

Blake and I slow down and stop running after a few minutes when we don't hear the bear chasing after us.

I spin around and study my surroundings.

All I see are trees.

"Uhm...I think we're lost..." I trail off.

"Well damn." Blake scratches that back of him neck.

"Wow, how helpful."

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