{30} Harmonica Jail Tunes

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"Did anyone happen to bring a harmonica?"

"No. Why?"

"So I can play harmonica jail tunes while singing about jail. Duh." I say.

Here we are, sitting in a holding cell in a police station at three in the morning.

"Hey, bald police officer? Yeah, you. Got a harmonica?" I squish my face on the bars of the holding cell as I talk to the officer behind the desk.

"Wha--why do you need a harmonica?" He questions.

"So I can play harmonica jail tunes and sing about jail." I say in a 'duh' tone, repeating my earlier statement.



"Shut up."

I pout as I plop down on the ground.

Then a police officer walks up to our holding cell, Blake, Ryder, Tyler Carter and Kiev following behind him.

I chuckle sheepishly. "Hi, brothers. Hi, Blakey Boy."

"Hi, Lee." They all say simultaneously.

"What was the one thing I told you not to do?" Carter questions me, arms folded and eyebrow raised.

"Get arrested." I answer.

"And what did you do?"

"Got arrested."

"At least they didn't get themselves killed." Blake pipes up.

"Shut up, Blake." Carter and I snap in unison.

"You three are free to go." The police officer unlocks and opens the door of the holding cell. "These boys paid the release fee."

"Um, actually, can we stay here? Locked in this cell? Where said boys can't kill us?" I ask the police officer, Harmony and Rose nodding in agreement.

"Get your asses out here and let's go." Ryder orders, making us slowly walk out of the holding cell.

"Blakey Boy?"


"Piggy back?" I give him my infamous puppy dog face.

He rolls his eyes and bends down slightly, making me grin and hop on his back.


"I can't believe you idiots actually got arrested!" Ryder snaps when we all finish piling into the SUV. Ryder in the driver's seat, Tyler in shotgun, Carter, Rose and Harmony in the middle row, and Blake and I in the back row.

And Kiev?

He decided he wanted to curl up in the trunk.

"I blame Carter!" Rose exclaims, pointing at Carter who is sitting between her and Harmony.

"Me?!" Carter points at himself, flabbergasted. "How is you three getting arrested my fault?!"

"You said 'don't end up getting arrested'." I imitate in a deep voice. "And what happens? We end up getting arrested!"

"Still doesn't explain how it's my fault!"

"You jinxed it!" Harmony shouts.

"That's bull!" Carter shouts back.

"I still can't believe you three got yourselves arrested." Blake says to me. "What did you even do?"

"We TPed Ms Hayfer's house and threw paint filled balloons at it, the police showed up, we split up and ran, I ran across people backyards, jumping fences before I hid in a bush, stupid fatass turkey-mutt started barking and gave away my hiding spot." I explain briefly.

"Turkey-mutt?" Blake repeats in confusion.

"When it barked, it sounded like a dying turkey merged with a dying cat, but it was a dog, so I called it turkey-mutt."

Blake shakes his head. "Only you, Amore. Only you."

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