{32} Principal's Office

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Blake and I sit in Mr Farrington's office as we wait for our parents.

"Blakey Boy?"

"Yeah, Amore?"


He looks at me. "For what?"

"For beating the shit out of Quentin for me." I answer, a grin on my face.

A small smile forms on his face. "No problem. It was fun."

I chuckle at his statement. "Of course it was."

Then the door opens as Mr Farrington comes in followed by mom, dad and a pretty brunette lady who I'm guessing is Blake's mother.

"Alright, what the hell is so important that we had to come back to this hellhole?" Mom questions Mr Farrington as they all sit down.

"Mr and Mrs Hale, your daughter beat up Crystal Dell--"

Mom cuts him off as she turns to me. "You beat up the taco? I taught you well, my child. Grandma Summer-Storm would be proud."

Mr Farrington gives mom a blank look. "Ms DeAngelo, your son beat up Quentin Selman--"

This time, dad cuts him off. "You beat up Quentin for my little girl? I love you, kid."

"You're not the only one that loves him." Mom says slyly, giving me a knowing look.


"Lee!" Mom mimics.

"So you're Leata?" Blake's mom speaks up.

"The one and only." I nod, a cheeky smile on my face.

She smiles at me. "I've heard a lot about you. I'm Susan."

"Hi, Susan." I shake her hand.

She turns to Blake. "You're off the hook, young man."

"Anyway," Mr Farrington interrupts. "Leata and Blake are suspended for three days."

"Three days?" Mom repeats. "Shouldn't it be more?"

"Mom, do you want us to be suspended for more than three days?!" I exclaim.

"I'm just wondering, gosh!" She throws her arms up in surrender.

"Well, usually it would have been longer, but..." Mr Farrington looks around before whispering. "I think Crystal and Quentin deserved the beating."

Dad laughs. "Mr Farrington, you were always the best principal ever."

"Agreed." Mom and Susan say.

"You're free to go."

We all walk out of Mr Farrington's office and out the front doors of school.

"Lee, honey, why don't you come over for lunch?" Susan suggests politely.

I look at mom and dad with the puppy dog face.

"Go ahead." Dad rolls his eyes.

They turn around and start walking to the car.

"I blame your mom for the puppy dog face." Dad says to mom.

"It's a blessing." Mom sighs.

"It's a curse!" Dad exclaims.

"No, it's not." Mom argues, baffled.

"For us, it is!" Dad states loudly.

"Us?" Mom repeats.

"Kayden and I. And apparently Blake now, too."

"Well, actually, Uncle Nate, Uncle Cole and Uncle Reese couldn't say no to mom's puppy dog face, either. Jayden, Raziel, Hunter and Ashlynn couldn't say no to mine. And Ryder, Tyler, Carter, Kiev, Rose and Harmony can't say no to Lee's." Mom explains.

"Exactly." Dad says. "Curse, I tell you. Curse!"


"Wait, he fell face first into a pile of dog poop?!" I laugh.

"Then he rolled down the hill." Susan tells me, making me laugh even more.

"Alright," Blake cuts in. "Enough of Baby Blake's most embarrassing moments."

"But Baby Blake's most embarrassing moments are gold." I chuckle.

He glares at me, making me snap my mouth shut and hold in my chuckles.

"Blake, how about you go upstairs and go find the red photo album." Susan suggests.

"The one with my baby photos?" Blake exclaims, looking at his mother with wide eyes. "Hell no!"

"Um, hell yes." Susan mimics.


"Because I'm your mother."


I watch in amusement as Blake trudges upstairs.

At school, or anywhere else, Blake acts all tough and emotionless, but when he's with his mom, he lets the tough guy act crumble.

He's actually a major mommy's boy.

It's adorable.

Hell yeah, it is.


"Hmm?" I hum, breaking out of my thoughts.

"I just wanted to say thank you." Susan says, confusing me.

"For what?" I question, my brows furrowed.

"Uhm, a while ago, something happened and Blake hasn't been this happy since before the incident...until he met you." She explains. "It's not my place to tell you what happened. I just wanted to say thank you."

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