Chapter 1 : Who Wants to Read First?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to chapter 1 if The Secrets of a Nation. So the beginning is going to be how I interpreted the scenario when I first thought of it so don't be mad if there's no flash and a book appears and then you hear the voices of the ancients out of no where. Anyway, let's get into this shall we?*


"Beep Beep Be-" America slammed his fist down on the alarm clock not only effectively shutting it off, but also smashing it into pieces. "Darn." He muttered under my breath as he reached for his phone and trusty spectacles next to the now broken clock. The blond nation turned on his phone while he slipped on his glasses and gazed at the time 9:01. His mouth went slack as he stood up abruptly, running to fetch something to wear.

The teen looked in the mirror before turning away in disgust. Every time he looked all he saw was all his flaws, the negatives everyone also pointed out. In reality he was literal skin and bones. I hadn't eaten a proper meal in what? A year? When I ate too much I threw it back up afterwards. Only ever eating enough to survive. He sighed before he slipped on his beige military uniform, stuffing it a bit, and slid his bomber jacket over it.

America grabbed his phone off his dresser, and his suitcase where he stashed all his belongings before he ran out the door. Not bothering to get anything to eat. Today's meeting was only going to be for one day. So he decided it would be best to just pack up his things and leave after the meeting, He ran down the street, rounding the corner, and pulled out his phone noticing that he only had 4 minutes to reach the meeting room. He started to move faster. Slamming through the front doors. God that'll leave a bruise. The nation started running down the hall and up the stairs to the third floor.

"Room 3, room 5, room 7!" He counted under his breath. He stood straight and slammed the doors open. He looked at the clock. '9:15' yes, I made it! "Your late!" England shouted. "What do you mean?" He said very confused. "The meeting was supposed to start 30 minutes ago! Didn't you get the text?" He asked now thoroughly annoyed. The blond plastered on his big hero smile and walked over to England.

"Don't worry, the hero has arrived now!" He said almost wincing at how obnoxious he sounded. "How many times do I have to tell you, not everything is about you, you idiot!" The older nation yelled back. America looked over at Germany, signaling him to begin.

"The meeting is now in session!" The German's voice boomed. In the room was an unusual bunch of people. Not all the nations could make this meeting as it was on short notice. America looked around to notice all of the nations had their bags with them as well, probably having the same plans as he did.

Not even five minutes in and the meeting had already erupted into chaos, most nations doing their own thing, not bothering to listen. England and France were fighting again. Norway was choking Denmark with his tie... again. Sweden was staring intensely at Finland. Italy was asking Germany about pasta. Romano was yelling at Spain again. Switzerland glared at anyone who so much as glanced in his sister's direction. Prussia, who managed to sneak in was bothering Austria, and Hungary. Turkey and Greece were fighting over who Japan liked better. Russia was bothering China, while sitting on America's brother, Canada. America was yelling about some giant super hero, while Japan agreed with him. South Korea was annoying China. Poland was talking Lithuania's ear off. Sealand (autocorrect doesn't recognize Sealand as a country either!) was secretly under the table. And Germany was trying to get the meeting back in order and the only nations who seemed to be listening to him were, Romania, Netherlands, Hong Kong, and Iceland.

In all this commotion the lights shut off, causing panic to spread through the room as a few nations screamed. "Germany!" "Like so not cool" "Big brother!" "ohonhonhonhon!" "Get away you frog!" Soon the lights turned back on along with the projector at the front of the table.

Everyone was silent as a video started to play. "Is it on?" A strong voice asked. Upon hearing this the Italian brothers simultaneously spun their heads around to look at the screen. "Yeah I think so." A feminine voice called. Causing both the North American brothers to pale slightly.

"Hello nations of the world." The voice greeted as a tan, muscular guy walked into view. "G-grandpa R-Rome?" Italy asked quietly voice shaking. The Roman stood proud in the center of the camera. Adorning his battle outfit. "We are making this video because it seems most of you seem to be suffering." Some nations looked away at this statement.

"We cannot bare to see are children suffer." A gentle voice said as a women with dark skin and dark hair walked in view standing next to Rome. America gulped as Canada gasped. "It's just to painful." She finished.

A women with long brown curly hair joined the two. Standing on the other side of  Rome. "That is why we are making this video." She stated, and Greece surprising woke up. "Mama?" He questioned. Looking at the screen, wide-eyed. "We don't want another war on our hands, do we now." She joked half heartedly.

A male with long blonde hair walked into view and stood next to Ancient Greece. "That is why we made this." He said holding up a book. In the background Prussia stood gaping at him while Germany looked surprised. "In this book are things we observed from watching over you, and your diary entries." He stated before tucking the book in between his arms.

"The book will be hidden somewhere in this room." Another women walked into view standing next Native America. England let out a small gasp upon her entrance. "The book is magical. To get it to open you must have all nations present. No time will pass while you read this. In fact as we speak your building is in a time tear. You will not be able to leave until you finish the book." She explained.

"We wish you the best of luck nations! Ciao!" Rome said before the video ended. The room was silent. No one wanted to break the silence. "We should find the book, eh?" A quiet voice asked. Everyone turned there head and saw the Canadian sitting there, Russia having moved during the video.

"Y-yeah..." Prussia agreed before standing up and starting to look. Soon everyone followed, and started the search. "Man, where could it be!?" America yelled pulling his hair in slight anger. "Hey! Did you find anything yet!" The blonde shouted at the Englishman. "No, you idiot!" He yelled back.

"I found it!" A certain Korean shouted waving the book over his head. "Where'd you find it?" Prussia yelled, carefully taking the book. "In the pot." He shrugged dusting some dirt from his clothes. "Pots originated in South Korea, in case you didn't know!" He added.

There were a few eye rolls before Prussia went to stand in the middle of the table. "Who wants to read first?" He asked raising to book over his head.

*and that was the first chapter of The Secrets of a Nation, and I hope you all enjoyed. I really do enjoy these stories and now I get to pick what happens in it! Anyway, I will see you all next time, Bye!*

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