Chapter 35: For The Last Time

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 35th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. In the last chapter autocorrect got me. I put talk and it said y'all so don't go clowning me, it already rats out my bad habits enough. Anyway we are coming to the end of our story. After this chapter there will only be an epilogue. I may do side stories but I will not continue with what happens after that, only further explanation and memory stories. Anyway, let's get into this, shall we?*

(Italy's POV)

I looked down at the book after all the questions had ended. There was only one singular page with one entry left. I nervously fiddled with the corner of the page before I turned to look at Ludwig. When catching my gaze he looked at me confused before I showed him the book. Finally understanding Germany stood up.

Upon seeing this, most of the nations quieted and turned toward the front of the room. "Nations, it seems we have reached the final page. Now the question is do we read it now, or do you want to take a small break and come back to read it?" Instead of an immediate response the question was met with silence. I mean, of course we all wanted to get back home but... we're we ready to go back to all that? To pretending we don't know or care about each other? To being enemies?

"Okay," Ludwig began, "all in favor of taking a break please raise your hands." At this the other immediately raised his hand. Seeing this many others were encouraged and also raised their hands. It wasn't long before every nation voted to take a break and we all got up heading to the dining room for the last time. Instead of everyone sitting in one group, they moved amongst each other. Maybe trying to catch a glimpse at f something they may not see again.

During the last 5 minutes of the break our little club was gathered together around a table. We talked about small things, but it was comforting. Before long, Ludwig ended our break and we were all ushered into the conference room for the last time. I took a seat at the front next to Germany. We didn't even have to wait for the rest of the nations to settle down.

Everyone sat in silence. I nervously fiddled with the fingers of Ludwig's right hand. "Who wants to read the final entry?" Germany asked, not bothering to stop my ministrations. For a second nobody said anything before Alfred raised his hand. "Would it be okay if I read it?" At this I immediately nodded my head and handed the book over to the younger. America stopped to run his hand over the cover before flipping it to the last page.

Dear Diary,
The war's finally over... thank goodness. We can finally smile again.

After this the book erupted in a brilliant white light, before disappearing in a flurry of light particles. Before anyone could speak a paper fluttered down from the ceiling. Confused, Alfred grabbed the paper and read aloud:

As the moon lays to rest a new day begins. As this book flips to the last page, it's story ends. All of you as nations hold much more than your titles. You all tell a tale of love, hate, trust, and hope. Like the ones before you and the ones to follow you, you tell the story that makes the future. I hope beyond this you will use what you learned her for good. We all have insecurities, all of us have problems. But we are more than our actions, there is more to us than that. I hope you realize what you were missing.


After this silence filled the room. Unlike the book the paper did not disappear. Nothing happened after this sentence was finished reading. The room erupted in ceaseless chatter. I looked around in confusion before my brother spoke up. "Wait do you hear that." At this everyone fell into silence and listened carefully. There was... talking? There were people here! In surprise I quickly looked around for a clock and saw that time had resumed its path. We were back! I'm joy I quickly jumped into Ludwig's arms. We're finally back!

Around us most of the nations were also expressing their joy. Alfred and Kiku were cuddled up close to each other all smiles. Those that hadn't figured out their relationship yet like Canada and Prussia were sending each other shy smiles. Even big families like the nordics and Germanics were having loving group hugs.

After all was said and done. After everyone had calmed down, we all headed our separate ways. Back to our own countries. However, I felt like this wouldn't last long. I mean, how could it when you got power couples like me and Ludwig. Even America and Japan wouldn't be kept apart for long. A wave of change was coming, and the world was going to have to be ready for it.

Dear Diary,
Today I met the famous America. He wasn't at all how I expected. He was really cute actually~ When he talked he had silly expressions on his face, as if I've been a long lost friend who he hasn't seen in years. He stuffed dozens of questions in my face too. He even mentioned something about me being one of his "heroes." I was... pleased. I had a really great time with him. Now I know why Italy and so many other nations like having him around...

*and that ladies and gents is the last chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope all of you have enjoyed this journey just as much as I have writing it. I will write an epilogue for this book. Again I may write side stories but for what it's worth thank you for being here with me. I love y'all! And with that, I'll see you next time, Bye!*

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