Chapter 26: Old Scars

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 26th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. It makes me really happy to know all of you enjoy this book so far! Anyway let's just get into this, Shall we?*

(Germany's POV)

Eventually, we were finally able to convince Lithuania to not murder America. Nonetheless, it tired everyone out, so we decided to stop there for the night. As everyone was filing out I spotted a familiar brunette amongst the crowd. I felt myself smile and I quickly packed up the few things I brought with me.

Upon exiting the conference room, I found that Italy wasn't among the crowd entering the room. I quickly looked down the room hallway and found not a hair of the Italian Nation. Confused, I turned around and walked toward the conference room, maybe he left something behind? I poked my head through the doorframe, but was only meant with silence. I felt my head swim in confusion when I heard talking.

I looked around my surrounding and saw light coming from the empty hallway. Worriedly, I decided to investigate. I briskly walked to the door at the very end, and raised my hand to knock. I stopped however when I heard the sound of laughter. Though I had heard many people laugh in my time I found this one different somehow. It was... carefree and loving.

I took a deep breath before I knocked. The room became silent almost instantly. I could hear the sound of whispering and shuffling. I raised my hand to knock again, but was stopped by the doorknob jiggling, the door creaking open. "...Germany?"

(Italy's POV)

I tried to keep a straight face as Germany stood there dumbfounded with a fist still raised to knock. "...Germany?" I decided to call after a few minutes of no response. This seemed to startle him out of dis trance as he instantly brought his hand back to his side. "I-Italy. Why aren't you in you're room?" I couldn't help but let a gentle smile at this.

Silently, I glanced around behind him to make sure no one else had followed. After I noticed it was only Germany I instantly motioned for him to come in before I closed the door behind us. Upon seeing the four other nations in the room Germany looked even more bewildered. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"It's okay Germany, were not planning the worlds demise or anything." Said Kiku, happily inserting himself into Alfred's side. At this he seemed to relax a bit, before he asked, "What are all of you doing in here then?" I exchanged a few glance with everyone before I nodded and turned to the German nation. "Well, we're hear because we've made a... club of sorts." I explained.

Intrigued by this Germany slowly sat down and asked, "What kind of club is this?" At this Toris spoke up. "Well this club was basically made so that everyone in it could just be... themselves, not their nations." At this I noticed Germany seemed dumbfounded. "You can, -you can do that?" At this Alfred smiled, "well I mean we did, and it's not hurting anyone. If anything it made us closer."

The German nodded at this. I comfortingly held his hand. "The only requirement is that you have a human name." I added, "Do you want to join?"

(Japan's POV)

The next morning I awoke squished against Alfred. Now that we had an even number of members we could afford to sleep in pairs. Lucas and Toris, me and Alfred, and finally Feliciano and Germany. Or should I say Ludwig. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face as I recalled last night.


Germany carefully thought about Feliciano's words. "Ludwig." I heard a quiet mumble. "What was that Germany?" I heard Feliciano ask. "My names Ludwig." He repeated. Alfred smiled joyfully at the German before extending his hand. "Nice to meet you Ludwig. I'm Alfred."

~Flashback end~

Eventually everyone else managed to drag themselves out of bed toward the dining room. After a quick breakfast with our newly included member everyone filed back into the conference room. Despite having nothing to really do everyone always managed to wake up early for the reading. Well, almost everyone I immediately thought as I looked across the table and noticed a sleeping Sealand and Greece.

Today the reader was Poland. He stood proudly at the center, waiting for the rooms commotion to quiet down before beginning.

Germany finds America annoying, childish, and loud... but Germany would trust America with his life.

I noticed Ludwig give a slight head bow with a gentle smile before turning to focus on the Italian Nation currently curled into his side. They were a cute couple. I remember the overbearing days of dealing with those lovesick puppies as teammates.

Even though he always seems to be strong Germany often cries. Then he always hides, so nobody sees his tears.

Silently, I glanced in Ludwig's direction he seemed troubled by this entry. I also noticed Prussia glancing solemnly in his direction.

The reason he hides how he is truly feeling is because the Allies viewed his feelings as EXCUSES for his actions after World War 1 and World War 2.

At this, the temperature of the room severely dropped. No one ever talked about past wars. Preferring to leave them in the past like old scars. I noticed subtle movements of nations as they moved toward their group of people. The Allies, the Axis, or the neutrals. Someone even used the excuse of throwing something away to join their group. Our little group managed to sit next to each other, as we were some of the first to arrive. Instead of doing what all the other countries did, Alfred moved closer to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

I smiled at this before I looked to my right and beckoned Toris closer. Catching the memo he moved closer as did Feliciano. By default so did Ludwig, as he didn't want to be separated from the other for to long. All of us glance silently at Lukas. He was currently sitting next to Ludwig, someone who occupied him during world war 2. I felt my stomach twist, praying he wouldn't let this get in the way.

Luckily my prayers were answered as Lukas seemed to come to an agreement in his head and join our little group in our tight knit huddle. Ludwig gave the Norwegian nation a grateful smile before standing up and dismissing everyone for lunch. Silently everyone shuffled out avoiding each other eyes. Either from shame or fear. While we were exiting Lukas was stopped by Sealand, who bounded happily up to him. "Norway, can I talk to you for a bit." Obviously confused, he nodded his head mutely, turning to us to bid us goodbye before following the rambunctious micro nation.

*and that ladies and gents is the 26th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope you guys all enjoy this update and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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