Chapter 11 : ... Right?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 11th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far. Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

The next morning was serene in its own sort of way. There was no fighting or telling just, normal quiet conversations. Lithuania awoke that morning with such bliss he wondered if he was still dreaming. A warmth had surrounded him and it felt so comforting that he didn't want to leave. Then he felt something shift next to him.

(Lithuania's POV)

Startled I pushed away from the creature into a pleasant warmth. I heard a groan before a voice followed. "Lithuania? You up all ready?" A sleepy voice questioned. "Wha, I'm so sorry Mr. America. I don't know what came over me! I promise I won't tell anyone anything just-" I pleaded starring to babble. "Hey, calm down, it's okay!" I heard a different person say trying to reassure me.

I turned and was stunned to see the younger Italian brother staring at me in a worried way. "Ah Mr. Italy I'm so-" again I was cut off. "Lithuania calm down, breath, just like when you lived with me. Do you remember what I always told you?" He questioned. "I racked my brain before I hesitantly answered. "This house is safe from the world, our own little sanctuary?"

"Exactly." America said tapping me lightly in the nose. "That's what this place is too!~" Italy said speaking up. "In here we don't worry about politics or what's going on in our countries!" Italy said getting of the bed and jumping around the room. Suddenly he flung himself at America as he leaned over his shoulder. "In here we're just Alfred and Feliciano." America said smiling.

"Alfred and Feliciano?" I asked hesitantly. "They are our human names since in here we aren't countries." Italy explained.  I thought about it for a minute before I spoke again. "That sounds... nice." I said swooning a little at the thought. "Why don't you join us?" America asked looking excited. "Ve~ that's a great idea!" Italy chirped. "If you want to join you have to come up with a human name though." He added as an after thought.

When they caught my unsure looks America spoke up. "You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you do meet us here at the end of the day." With that America promptly opened the door. "Let's go eat breakfast."


(Hungary's POV)

After breakfast everyone shuffled back into the room that was beginning to become routine for us. Before anyone could be asked who wants to read, Sealand walked up and grabbed the book. "I'll be reading today!" He announced looking proud. Right when others were going to object America spoke up. "Knock 'em dead!" He turned and glared at whoever was going to object and with that everyone went silent.

'The only reason Italy acts so silly is to put a smile on other people's faces.'

Everyone smiled at this before thanking the bubbly Italian. "Ve~ it was no trouble!" Everyone quoted down once Sealand cleared his throat to begin the next entry.

'Italy likes to watch Germany sleep.' At this the other nations were deeply unsettled and gave Italy weird looks. "I wasn't finished!" The micro nation shouted. 'He feels like he gets to see a side of him that no one else can see.'

At this the ones who judged the Italian nation to fast looked ashamed of how they responded. A few apologized to him but was only told it was okay. They had their doubts though.

'Japan's mind is an enigma. No one knows exactly what goes on in that head, and Japan certainly doesn't let on to the fact that he may be a little kinkier than some might have guessed. He is not, and has never been, "innocent".'

Everyone was shocked into silence. They just couldn't imagine it. The small, quiet, polite nation into things like that. It seemed almost impossible. The nation himself looked as if he just got his face painted red. He quickly put his hands over his face to try and hide his embarrassment but the damage had been done. Deciding to not dwell on the nation's embarrassment Sealand began to read again.

'Dear Diary, Why can't Avatar: The Last Airbender come out in Japanese Dub already? It is hard being on the other end of the stuck. I don't know how America deals with it?'

The Asian nation started to sink lower into his chair with embarrassment.  'Why is this happening?' Was all Japan could think of in his flustered state. Everyone let out a light chuckle at this before looking to Sealand to begin reading again.

'Japan is a really enthusiastic singer... When drunk.'

With this the usually quiet nation slammed his hands to the table shouting, "No!" Before he promptly fled the room leaving behind the stunned nations. "Japan!" America yelled before disappearing out the door. " Japan, wait!" Italy called as well before following America out to find his ally. "Is it time for break?"

(Japan's POV)

I didn't know why I had run or why I was still running. It just felt so overwhelming. Everyone found out such embarrassing things about him. To make matters worse they were told back to back. I quickly ran into my room and slammed the door shut.

I just needed some time to think. Then everything could back to normal right? This won't change how they view me will it? No, I know they don't view me as perverted like they did France or weak like they do Italy, right?... I'm not so sure anymore...

*and that ladies and gents was the 11th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far because I really do enjoy writing this for you guys. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and I'll see all of you next time, Bye!*

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