Chapter 31: Opposites Attract

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 31st chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope all of you are ready for another update because I couldn't wait to post this one. Anyway, let's get into this, shall we?*

(America's POV)

It wasn't long before we all filed into the dining area for lunch. Today, Lukas brought over Denmark. Even though the two didn't say it outright I know they had made up. They should be more subtle than holding hands under the table. I'll let it slide for now, but only because no matter how stoic the Norwegian's face was, I could see he was truly happy.

On the other hand, Feli was the complete opposite. He hardly touched his food and preferred snuggling into Ludwig's side as if to hide away from everything. I could tell the German nation was obviously stressed by this. No matter how much coaxing, he only succeeded in getting the smaller into eating a third of the time. I looked over at the table where Canada, Spain, Romano, and Prussia sat. It seemed that Romano was in a state similar to his brother.

I worriedly glanced between the two. As I was doing this I felt someone's gaze burning into the side of my head. I shifted my line of sight slightly from Romano and saw it was my brother. When we made eye contact he didn't startle like I expected him to. This confused me so I looked around me for a second before facing the other again. When I looked back, Canada shook his head with a huff before turning away from me again.

At the display, I felt my heart constrict in sadness before I turned back to the table. I let out a sigh before plastering a smile on my face. While we were talking I felt someone harshly pinch my arm. I reeled back a bit before I turned to face Kiku who was staring at me with a disapproving look. I stared confused at the older who motioned for me to lean forward. Relenting I leaned forward and the smaller nation whispered into my ear. "Don't fake smile, it hurts me more to see that than seeing tears." Sky blue eyes met the soft dark chocolate.

I let a grimace cross my face as I quickly folded myself into the other's shoulder. I felt a soothing hand come to run across my back. It wasn't long before we were all once again ordered into the meeting room.

(Japan's POV)

After lunch I decided to sit next to Alfred during the meeting to comfort him when I could. I don't know what it was, But I felt like today's entries would be troubling to the latter. I wanted to be able to offer fast support to the other. To allow Ludwig to have a break, Austria volunteered to read and direct the meeting.

France and America shared similar interests and always enjoyed playing together, as did England and Canada. However, America still preferred to be with England and loved him the most. Canada felt the same way towards France.

I found this slightly amusing in this manner, it reminded me of the saying, "opposites attract." I guess this was true, also due to the fact how close the brother nations were. I glanced over at America who kept his head bowed, but only out of embarrassment. I guess it was difficult letting your true thoughts and feelings being read to the world. Again, quite literally.

America loves to sing, but will only let France listen to him because everyone else already assumed he's bad while France will simply listen and smile.

I felt myself wince at this. Obviously, this statement is not true now. However, whenever America approached me in the past, I couldn't help but disappear for unknown reasons. This wasn't because America was known as a bad singer, nobody actually knew. I think it had something to do with his personality that made people doubt his abilities. To say I was somewhat surprised to find France actually listened to him would be an understatement. I thought he would be the one to avoid Alfred the most due to his appreciation for quality music.

"America does have a nice voice, unlike what the majority would expect. It's a shame this was revealed, now I can't have him singing for only me." At this France dramatically sighed but his eyes held a twinkle of fondness and playfulness as he looked toward the younger. I felt America next to me radiate a happy aura. I never really took note of this because of America, England, and Canada's relationship, but he and France were actually really close.

When America and Canada were little, every night before bed, England wouldn't just read them a story, he would make it come to life.

(England's POV)

I was actually surprised to hear this account being told. I never thought of this action as much. I mean to me it was merely telling a story so the children would go to sleep. However, it was told in this book of sad and unknown topics it probably meant more then I thought I did. I looked up and saw the twins looking up, as if reminiscing, with small smiles on their faces.

France discovered that America is actually really good at braiding hair, beauty ensues.

I felt myself become bitter after hearing another happy entry involving France. It seemed as if not only while this man was trying to console me he also managed to spend time with both of his sons. I knew very well he cared for Canada, anyone with eyes could see that, but I didn't know this sentiment transferred over to America as well. He did this without my knowledge as well, which was unheard of. I didn't like the feeling it gave my stomach when an entry was read and I had no memory of America doing such a thing.

It made me feel like I really didn't know who America actually was. I didn't even know enough about Canada to have an excuse. Maybe I was to wrapped up in myself. I was startled out of my thoughts when Austria officially ended this session.

(Romano's POV)

As the meeting came to an end I felt Spain's hand land heavily on my shoulder, as if to deter me from running away. I sighed and let my shoulders fall. I didn't know what to do. I really, deeply, loved and cared for my brother. However these days it feels like I actually don't know a thing about him or what goes on in his mind. I looked around the meeting room to see my brother buried into Germany's chest while the other consoled him.

I felt my heart give an ugly twist at the thought that I caused Italy to feel this way. Before I knew what was happening Spain brought me to stand and sat me on one of the couches in the meeting room. I looked at the other with peeved curiosity before I saw Germany bring over Italy who was still hiding his face in the other's chest. Seeing this I knew what Spain was planning before I tried to escape.

Obviously, this was for naught as I was easily pushed back to my previous position. Once the pair reached us the taller quickly unwrapped his arms and placed him in-front of me. I was shocked to feel Italy immediately wrap his arms around me and bury his head into my stomach. To say I was shocked was an understatement, but nothing could prepare me for when he started to cry. I looked pleadingly at the two nations who looked at each other before walking away.

I was gobsmacked by this action before I looked down at my brother. I felt my heart twist at the sight as he desperately cling to my waist, as if he let go he would never see me again. I let a mournful smile grace my face as I slowly brought the other on the couch with me. One of my hands gripping his waist while the other carded through his hair. This made the other only seem to cry more but I remained calm and continued the action. "I'm s-sorry!" I heard Italy mumble through a river of tears. I let a small smile grace my face. I pressed a small kiss to the side if his head. Despite the oncoming tears I murmured back, "I'm sorry too, you baby."

*and that ladies and gents is the 31st chapter of The Secrets of a Nation and I hope you all enjoyed. Let me know what you think about this update and I am officially saying we only have 5 more chapters left until this book is finished. I also came to realize how old this book is as I started writing this in 2017. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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