Chapter 15: Everything's Going to Be Just Fine

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*Hello everyone guess who's not dead... me! I'm so sorry for not writing this story for so long I had a falling out but I'm back now. So before I make this to long I'm going to give you your long awaited and we'll deserved chapter, let's get into this, shall we?*

(Romano's POV)

I watched as my brother and Germany hugged each other as if their lives depended on it. I felt my stomach turn in a feeling I was all to familiar with. I felt a frown tug at my lips before I stood up and left the room as quickly as I could. It's not like anyone noticed either as they gushed over the scene my brother was making.

(America's POV)

While Feliciano and Germany were having their reunion I noticed Romano slipping out of the room. Obviously I had noticed along with Kiku. Me and Kiku shared a look, I could tell he was planning on following Romano out. I saw something flash in the corner of my eye and felt a small smile make it's way into my face.

As Kiku was making his way to get up I grabbed his shoulder before shaking my head. "It's handled." My friend gave me a confused look before nodding his head and turning to look back towards Feli. Everything's going to be just fine.

(Japan's POV)

After Germany and Feliciano had their moment we decided to continue reading since we still had time to kill before lunch thanks to Finland's insane reading. This time Sweden was chosen since the nation had volunteered. Like Finland had, Sweden immediately flipped to the last page and began reading.

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I don't know if I identify more with European or Asian culture.

At this the whole room was left in awkward silence. Some were pondering who it was, while two began to share an uncomfortable look across the table. "So what am I?" I head a voice speak up from the end of the table. I turned and saw it was none other than Hong Kong.

Growing up he always did have a lot of identification issues so it made sense why this was put into the book. Again China and England shared a look over the table before sighing. "Well why do you have to be just one?" Another voice piped up. Everyone turned to see who had spoken and found it was none other than sealand. "Why do you have to be one or the other? I think it's cool that you can be two different cultures!" The micro nation said giving him a warm smile.

"Sealand has a point. Take me for example, I have many cultures from all over the world but I don't identify to my heritage. I'm just American. You don't have to just be Asian or European. That's for you to decide." Alfred said encouragingly. At this many other nations nodded there head. While Hong Kong didn't smile I could tell he was grateful for the words. Seemingly satisfied Sweden continued.

Dear Diary,

Everyone keeps wanting me to call them "onii-chan". It's so annoying especially when Norway does it since he seems to have no emotions whatsoever.

Looking at Iceland I could tell he was very embarrassed, if his red face didn't give him away. "Is that really how you feel?" I heard Norway's voice speak up. Though it sounded a bit off. Iceland startled initially at the question before frantically nodding his head. "Okay, than I won't do it anymore." He said. At this Iceland turned his eyes toward the floor but you could see a smile making it's way into his face. I couldn't help but smile at the younger's actions.

(America's POV)

Though everyone smiled and congratulated the youngest Nordic, I turned my attention toward Norway. He looked the same as always. Empty-eyed and straightfaced. But I could tell he didn't feel that way. His voice, while it wasn't obvious, was a dead give away. It's to be expected if you spent your whole life hiding any emotion from others. No one would be able to tell if something was truly wrong. It would be the exact same as if he hid behind a smile.

Soon Sweden began reading again, and though I diverted my attention to said nation, I allowed my eyes to linger on Norway for a few seconds longer before fully diverting my attention away.

Dear Diary,

I met Hong Kong this Halloween, and I can't get him out of my mind. I know he was mostly making fun of me, but all I can think about is taking him up on his offer to come over and play video games.

I looked toward the youngest Nordic and saw that he was practically on fire from how red his face was. It was endearing, even though he's probably older than me it was endearing to see love at it's purest moment. And even if he tried to deny it no one would believe him. Once again I let my eyes wander to their Norwegian country. Again though his face was once again expressionless in his eyes if you looked close enough you could see something lurking in their depths, hiding from the surface as if it was a crime to feel that way. Something I was to familiar with. Again Sweden began to read again.

Dear Diary,

I made Ice smile with me today. I felt special. He smiles very rarely, but his smile is so soft and I'm glad I saw it. Maybe there's something between us...? Maybe I'm special to him...?

Everyone turned at this as it was very obvious who had written it. The two nations were embarrassed and blushing like high school teens who just confessed, one obviously worse than the other. Though the moment was very happy and heart warming, I couldn't feel the warmth of it reach my heart. And the reason for that was a certain pale-haired blonde.

(Canada's POV)

I saw Romano quickly leave the room while Italy and Germany stared a moment and I understood why. "Romano, wait!" I asked running to catch up with him. Thankfully the brunette stopped, though he didn't turn around to face me. "Why is everyone but me able to be so close with him?" I heard him ask though it was barely audible and spoken with a heavy heart. Suddenly the Italian nation turned to me and it felt as if I had just been punched in the chest.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he obviously wasn't able to hold them in, his left hand was gripping the fabric above his heart in a grip so tight his knuckles turned white. "Why am I the only one being affected?" Without another word I brought the other into my arms. I couldn't say anything, as I could only relate to him with being over looked.

I was constantly loved by America as he would always seek out my affection if we didn't interact over a long period of time. All I could do was hold the broken nation, and comfort him. And nobody would know, because no one saw us leave, and if they did nobody bothered to follow. Though we are two separate nations, are hearts are one as they ache with the same pain. We are two nations, brought together over being forgotten. But even then we both know, Everything's going to be just fine.

*And that ladies and gents was the 15th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. Again I'm sorry for such a long wait and I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you next time, Bye!*

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