Chapter 5 : He Can Cook!?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. Before we begin I would like to apologize to you all for such the slow agonizing wait but school isn't being to nice right now especially in homework. Anyway thank you all for the support and let's get into this, shall we?*

Lunch had been a bit of a hassle, what with over 20 different nations and all having different tastes. Italy refuse to eat anything but pasta. Canada wanted some pancakes. Romano and Spain wanted something with tomatoes. Prussia wanted wurst and beer. Japan wanted ramen. England wanted scones.  So on and so forth, so basically everyone wanted something different.

"I'm sorry to say this but I don't think I can cook all this by myself!" The Frenchman said looking at the others in distress. "Hey why don't me and England help you?" America asked. "That seems reasonable, so should we-"  the Englishman began taking a step forward along with America, but a chorus of  "NO!" Was heard.

"Woah dudes what's the matter?" America asked turning around to see the other nations. None of the countries wanted to be rude so the Japanese nation came up with a quick excuse. "I wanted some opinions on some things in my country and since you are my friends I would appreciate if you could help me." Japan said shyly. This necessarily wasn't a lie though because the short Asian country had actually been meaning to ask them for help then.

"Oh, okay I guess we could help you." The English country said following the other country out of the room with America trailing behind yelling about whatever came to mind. Sighs of relief sounded throughout of room but there was also some sighs of disappointment. "Wait who was upset about America and England not cooking?" China asked firmly startled by the nose.

The whole room went quiet and they just decided to go on with cooking lunch for the hungry nations.

(China's POV)(I know 'why would u do this now?' well I'm the author so I can :P)

Me, France, Italy, Romano, and... Canadia? Started to make lunch. "Thank the heavens that they managed to drag those two away before the burnt down the place with their cooking!" France said his stiff shoulders starting to relax.

There was a a murmur coming from the angry Italy and the quiet nation. "What did you say? I didn't quite catch that." Italy said tapping both of their shoulders. "Nothing." They both said in unison. "Are you sure mon lapin?" France questioned his colony. The only reply he got was a 'mhm'.

Eventually we had finished the outrageous order of food, as all the countries can't eat the same thing apparently, and called everyone to eat. As everyone had sat down to eat Germany spoke up. "Hey, where is England and America?"

(Germany's POV)

As I looked around the room I noticed that 2 nations were missing. "Hey, where are England and America?" Noticing this everyone looked around the room in confusion. "Oh I think I left them in the..." Japan said trailing off at the end. "Umm, where exactly did you leave them?" Finland asked.

It turns out that where Japan had left them was a hall closet farthest from the kitchen. 'Japan' and some cursing was heard on the other side of the door. "America! England! Are you in there!?" I shouted through the door. "Germany? Dude is that you!?" I heard a reply come from the other side of the door. "Like can you unlock the door and come out?" Poland spoke up. "No we can't it has been locked!" An angry Brit yelled. "Japan do you have the key?" Russia asked.

"No, I seemed to have lost it..." the Asian nation said bowing his head in apology. "What!?" The two trapped nations screamed. "You guys have to unlock the door or we can't read the book and leave!" England yelled in urgency. "Well we better get looking for that key shouldn't we?" Prussia yelled and before anyone could respond he was out the door.

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