Chapter 4 : Where Words Had Failed

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 4th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far and I want to apologize for the slow updates but I still hope you enjoy it. Anyway, let's get into this, shall we?*

Eventually about an hour later everyone had finished unpacking and started to file into the meeting room. Sealand was now awake and sat in between Finland and America. Sweden was seated on Finland's other side followed by Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Russia, Prussia, Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Austria. Canada was on his brother's side followed by France, England, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, South Korea, Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. "Okay who would like to read?" Germany announced holding up the book. Not long after Germany announced this England and France raised their hands at the same time.

"I'm going to do it!" The Brit shouted angrily to the French nation. "But England I also wish to read the book." France said shooting the other a calming glance. "Just let me do it you frog!" The Brit shouted, a hurt look crossing the Frenchman's face before it vanished and the two started to fight.

Eventually Germany had enough of the two countries arguing and yelled, "QUIET!" Slamming his hands onto the table to ensure he had everyone's attention. Italy jumped from the action and hesitantly tugged at the angry nation's sleeve. He gave a sympathetic look to the Italian before calming down considerably.

"I don't care who reads the book, just someone read it." He said. England immediately stood up and walked over gently grabbing the book before he flipped the last page that would turn. A look of surprise and regret crossed his face before he looked up at the French Nation. "It's about France..." he said his eyes furrowing. "Well what does it say?" The Prussian asked raising an eyebrow.

(Prussia's POV)

The English nation cleared his throat 'France isn't the seemingly self-centered, arrogant, flirtatious Frenchman he projects to the world; but he's really a passionate excitable, romantic, and tender person at heart. He puts up a mask thinking that he must be great, he must be glorious and nothing otherwise. When at heart he's really just a broken nation with a long and painful history.'

The whole room was silent some nations were staring at said nation, some couldn't meet his gaze ashamed of themselves and Greece was sleeping. "France I-" England had begun to say. "No it's quite alright England it's all true, everything that it said is." He said cutting the nation off looking at his hands.

He looked speechless, I don't think France had called him England in years. "Don't you dare say that..." a voice cut in startling most nations, but of course no the awesome me! France looked up at his old colony who had watery eyes. "Canada I-" the Canadian wouldn't seem to have it though. "No! It isn't true I know what you're going to say 'it's okay', 'don't worry' but you really aren't! You do this all the time!" Tears started to fall down the Canadian's cheek. "None of its true! You're like my father! You just want to spread the love! You don't want others to feel the heartbreak you did!" He said walking over to his former parent. "It's not fair," he said before breaking down.

France tried to comfort his former colony but all that came out was one of his own strangled sob. All he could do was pull the younger closer and cry into his hair. I took this as a sign to give the countries their alone time, and stood up before walking out of the room. The others following suit.

Italy had ended up enthusiastically pulling Germany into the kitchen who was a little bit reluctant. Poland ended up dragging Lithuania away to talk about god knows what. Sealand and America went to go play a pirate game, while Sweden and Finland watched. The other nations branched to do god knows what, while I went and did what awesome people like me do.

About ten minutes later the two countries exited together and told us they had calmed down. We all returned into the room. "Frog, no France I'm sorry for all that I said, I-" the Englishman said fumbling over his words. "It's okay, I'm going to be fine." The Frenchman said giving him a kind pat on the knee.

"Not to interrupt anything but I think we shourd begin again." The shy Asian nation that was West's friend interrupted. "Okay moving on." England said clearing his throat as his cheeks were tinted pink. "This one is Romano's..." the angry nation looked stricken and slowly tried to slide under the table muttering 'why me.'

'Romano isn't incapable of smiling or laughing. He doesn't frown and curse all the time. It just takes time to show his true feelings; you need to earn his trust, because he's insecure. Yes, he's a grouch, but that's not all he is.'

Romano sighed in slight relief as if it could have been much worse. "Of course Romano isn't a grouch all the time!" Spain said throwing an arm around the nation that just seemed to want to disappear. This action didn't help as the nation turned as red as a tomato. "See." "Shut it!" The Italian nation angrily yelled. I couldn't help but laugh at the interaction, and soon the whole room filled with light hearted laughter before West spoke up. "Let's continue." He said signaling England to start.

"Okay this ones is a statement involving Canada?" The eyebrows Nation said. "Who's Canada?" A voice asked from the group. Here we go again. Why can't people just remember him! I'm not even a nation and I'm still remembered! "My brother!" America said slamming his fist in the table before gesturing wildly to said country. A few 'oh's sounded around the room before England held up a hand to silence them.

'Something when other nations least expect it 'Canadian Please ' becomes their ringtone.'

To prove this point My awesome phone went off now with the knew ringtone. "No! My Awesome Ringtone!" I shouted as my phone's ringing finally silenced. The room erupted on laughter from my previous outburst. After a few minutes I cleared my throat to gather everyone's attention. "Okay this ones Russia's." England announced.

'Dear Diary, why does the world hate me? People treat me like... like I'm... a monster, a killer, a freak. I get sad and sometimes angry and depressed it's just better if I just disappear!!!'

The whole room was silent. No one knew what to say. When the awesome me doesn't know what to say is when it's serious. How would you react in this situation. There was no way any of us could say anything so we didn't. Eventually America being the nation he was, got up and started to walk toward the taller nation. Everyone, except me seemed to hold their breath ready for a fight to break out.

His footsteps sounded like earthquakes in the silent room. Slowly the American drew near and Russia tightened his grip on his pipe ready for anything he threw at him. At least that was what he thought. Instead of being punched or slapped he was met with a calm, gentle, hug from my almost as awesome American friend. His grip on his pipe was no more.

Silently the older nation gently, yet firmly held the younger. His hands gripped the back of the obnoxious nation's shirt as he buried his face in is shoulder letting tears fall. Alfred knowing he could say nothing just starts to soothingly run his back. Of course they both and everyone else knew this wasn't a proclamation of love, just to show Russia that someone cared and would be there to comfort him. Where words has failed actions spoke up.

When Russia stopped crying, which was about four minutes, everyone soon started to apologize for everything they did to him, ashamed of how they had all treated him. Even my awesome self apologized. West spoke up once everyone had finished apologizing. "I think now would be a good place to go and eat lunch." The stern nation said.

*whew and there you have it this extra long chapter and I really am sorry about the slow updates it's just school and this arc really hard to juggle. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you all next time, Bye!*

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