Chapter 28: I'm Not Ashamed

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 28th chapter of The Secrets of a Nation. I'm sorry for such a long break but I've been struggling a bit with some anxiety among other things. I figured writing would help me out a bit rn so here's an update. Anyway, let's get into this, shall we?*

(America's POV)

Feli bolted out of the room. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. This whole situation, I just- I felt so out of control, so helpless. I didn't have a solution. I didn't know how to help. I didn't know if I could...

I was startled when I felt a hand come to firmly grasp my shoulder. I looked up from the ground to see Kiku staring at me intently. He didn't say anything or try and convince me everything would be okay. He let go of my shoulder only to offer his hand in return. I took a deep breath before nodding to myself and taking his hand.

Silently and quietly we both left the room. We headed to our base of operations and hesitated at the door. We both knew this is the only place Feliciano would head. However, we didn't know what we'd be able to do.

(Japan's POV)

I could feel the despair emanating from the room. He needed help, but Feliciano wasn't ready for help yet. I didn't know if he ever would. My mind was struggling with my heart over which was truly the right thing to do.

I was shocked when after a few minutes, Alfred confidently walked toward the door and gently opened it. Inside was a heartbreaking sight. Feliciano sat in the farthest corner of the room, with his knees to his chest, sobbing his heart out.

As if approaching a scared animal, Alfred silently walked toward the older. I stayed behind and watched, not sure where I stand in the situation. To many people could end up making the situation worse.

"Hey Feli, it's me Alfred." The younger said crouching down in front of the other. Feliciano didn't say or do anything. Alfred sighed before sitting next to the other. "You know what," the American said, "We both are pretty bad at understanding our own brothers." At this Alfred laughed bitterly.

"But I can't say I understand what you're going through." The younger said. "I'm not going to tell you it's going to be okay, because I really don't know. Man, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do anymore." He said laughing bitterly.

I was about to step in to try and save the situation when America spoke up. "Feli, I know I'm not the brightest at all times and that I can't read people like you can. If there's one thing I do know though, it's that you mean a lot to me and if you need anything, I'm here for you." After looking over to me he said. "We all are."

I felt a small smile come to my lips at that as I took a seat next to Feliciano as well. After a few minutes of comfortable silence the Italian nation launched himself at America. Both of us were left shocked before he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down with them. Italy wrapped his arms as beat he could around us, burying his face into America's chest. Me and America made eye contact before we both wrapped our arms around Feliciano. I'm not sure how long we stayed there, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was that we were together.

(America's POV)

after 30 minutes of cuddling we were soon joined by Toris, Ludwig, and Lukas. We all had a big cuddle pile for a bit before it became uncomfortable. After that we split into our respective pairs. Lukas and Toris, Feliciano and Ludwig, me and Kiku. It took about 15 more minutes to realize we had missed dinner but none of us really to the initiative to care.

This was the first time I had skipped a meal since we first made this group. I felt myself smile at that. I looked around at the great people I had managed to surround myself with. I looked down at the beautiful person in my arms. I let out a content sigh, how did I get so lucky?

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