4 | warm

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eddie did not bring a towel that day. he thought he would just be sitting on the rock, talking shit with the losers club. but thanks to a stubborn four-eyed trashmouth, that was not the case. he shivered when he waded out of the water, cheeks blue, lips purple.

"fuck eddie, you look like you just saw fuckin' Pennywise." said stan, who's fingers were intertwined with bill's.

"*cough*, gaymo, *cough*," said richie, being the trashmouth he is. eddie stifled a laugh. bill and stan blushed, and bev and ben burst out laughing, along with mike, who snorted loudly. eddie was still cold, and was still shivering. richie looked at him in concern.

the four-eyed boy found his plain white tee resting on a rock and draped it around the shorter boy. eddie mumbled, "thanks trashmouth..."

"yeah, it's nothing, eddie spaghetti." richie smirked when he saw eddie blush the slightest reddish tint, contrasting his now blue, wrinkled lips. he took the opportunity to examine eddies facial features. his dark brown, almost black hair was damp from the water, he noticed his small dimples on the sides of his face. he noticed the sparkle in his eyes, that always seemed to be there. his eyes were always full of life and curiosity and wond—

"richie!" he was startled and snapped out of his thoughts when ben snapped his chubby fingers in front of his face.


"you were staring at eddie for a long ass time. who's the gaymo now?" stan smirked as bev and bill snickered.

eddie blushed a wild scarlet in frustration, embarrassment, and...

whatever that jittery feeling was in his chest.

"r-rich! dude what the fuck?!" said eddie

"i-i was not i w-was just m-making sure that his bitch fucking ass wasn't still cold. fuck you eds, you're a piece of shit."

"fuck you too, trashmouth!"

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