Chapter 10- They could've given me a Band-aid!

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10| They could've given me a Band-aid!

It's been days since the drama at the abandoned house ended, from what I've heard, the 2 men we booby trapped have healed and are currently in jail awaiting their trial. We were lucky and claimed that it was self-defence.

As for the man who followed and kidnapped us, they happened to be part of a human trafficking gang who were going to kill us, harvest our organs and literally sell them in the black market. I gagged at the thought but luckily they all received their respective sentences.

Mum was fine now and Hunter and Georgia were staying at a nearby hotel to make sure we were ok. As for the infant that we found, she's in a children's home for now as they look for her parents.

Geez my life is crazy. To say I was traumatised is an extremely major understatement.

I tore my eyes off my book as I looked out my bedroom window. Mum was working the graveyard shift today, she wouldn't be back in a while. Sighing, I took out my phone and searched for Redstone Mental Hospital.

Guess it's time to pay him a visit. Life is short and can end abruptly. Our recent encounters with the kidnappers had proved as much.

'Maybe tomorrow' the little voice in my voice said. I shook it away. Today is the day I visit my dad in the mental hospital, I'm not gonna procrastinate any longer. Real classy, Riley, real classy.

As I drove down the cold alleyway, I really questioned my mental sanity. As I turned down one last street, I gazed up at the massive sign that was plastered on brick walls.

"REDSTONE MENTAL HOSPITAL- Professional Mental Instability Treatment Centre since 1920"

Seems like a legit place to send your mentally challenged loved ones. Not really.

The cold air struck me as I stepped out of my car. I looked at my phone,1:28am. Oh gee,going to a mental hospital when it's the middle of the night. I'm literally looking for death. Beginning to regret my idea, I pressed on the intercom near the black metal gates that towered above me.

The gates slowly creaked open and a middle aged man came up to greet me.

"Hello, how can I help you?" He asked in a very generic tone.

"I-I came to visit someone." I shivered in the cold.


"Me? Oh, I'm Riley-"

"No, not YOU. How cares what your name is? I meant the person you are visiting." The man looked very irritated.

"Right. Henzel. Albert Henzel." I stuttered, wrapping my coat around me.

"Oh, that bugger? He puts up a fight alright. Come in, come in." The gatekeeper smiled for the first time, his mouth spreading into a crooked grin.

A lady greeted me at the door once I had entered the mental hospital.

"Name?" She asked


"No , your name!" The woman sighed irritatedly

"Riley. Riley Henzel."

"You're looking for Mr Henzel? Right this way." She pointed me to the right. I followed her cautiously as I walked past the closed doors. Some of them were stained with red. The lady saw me looking.

"Oh that? That was when two of our patients had a fight with raspberry coridal." She chuckled. I nodded, not really knowing if I could believe her.

Finally, we reached the door at the very end.

"He's in there. Just yell out if something happens. We'll have guards outside the door." She smiles reassuring. I nodded politely and slowly twisted the doorknob.

At first the room very dark but my eyes slowly adjusted to the dim lighting. I saw a figure sitting in the corner of the room, with it's back facing me.

"What now? You're gonna come get me for more 'therapy' of yours, huh? You'll never cure me." The figure said gruffly.

"Dad?" I asked slowly. He slowly turned around to face me. The warm, out together father that I was knew and loved was now a messy slob of a man.

There were wrinkles on his face that weren't there before. The heavy, dark bags under his eyes hinted at insomnia.

"Riley? Why are the hell are you here? Did the staff tell you to come here to help with the therapy? I swear to God, if someone tells me about acceptance and forgiveness ONE more time, I will punch a hole in this bloody wall!" He muttered sarcastically.

"No, I just wanted to visit you." I said slowly.

"Sure you did. To slowly see me die, huh? First you drive your brother into suicide and now I'm your next victim huh?" Dad chuckled darkly.

"Dad...why are you being like this?" I asked quietly.

"What? What's wrong with being calm, huh? WHAT'S POSSIBLY BLOODY WRONG WITH BEING CALM?" He slammed the table loudly. The guards outside knocked on the door.

"Need any help, Miss?" One of them asked.

"I'll be alright" I mumbled back but I was clutching my pepper spray behind my back. Dad noticed instantly.

"You're scared of me." He said.

"Not particularly." I lied.

"Yes you are. MY OWN DAUGHTER IS SCARED OF ME AND MY SON'S DEAD! WHAT'S WRONG. WITH. ME?" Dad broke down and started crying. I walked over and pat his back.

"It's ok."

"NO IT ISN'T" he shook my hand off. I stood back awkwardly, "Get out."


"I SAID GET OUT. GET OUT AND DON'T EVER COME BACK! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME? NEVER AGAIN!" He roared, throwing a metal plate at me. I ducked away quickly.

"Miss? Get out now. It's not safe." The guards warned. I looked at my dad uncertainly.

"ARE YOU DEAF? OUT OUT OUT!" More objects thrown at me. One hit my arm, creating a gash as blood flowed out.

"Miss, I'm going to have to escort you out now."

Next thing I knew I was out the door and lead outside to my car.

"Goodbye Miss." The guard said as he went back inside. Sighing sadly, I got into my car and looked at the cut in my arm. Blood was still dripping out. I reached into my glove compartment for some tissues.

"They could've at least have given me a damn Band-Aid! Even one of those Barbie ones would've done the trick."

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