Chapter 29- lies uncovered

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29|lies uncovered

"—and I was like "you're always wearing more cologne than me and I literally can't breathe when I'm around you! We're breaking up!" And then he tried to run after me but I swerved him." Maddie said between giggles as I laughed so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes.

"Oh my god, Maddie! How many disastrous boyfriends have you had?" I gasped through my laughter.

"More than I can count! Wow, now that I think about it William was the only good boyfriend I had....but I lost him....I lost him..." Maddie murmured, the mood in the room suddenly turning solemn. My smile slowly faded as I reached my hand out to grab hers.

"It's ok, Maddie....I lost him too, we all did." I smiled weakly.

"Riley...I know William dying affected you and your family a lot. Didn't your dad....." Maddie's voice drifted off uncertainly.

"Yeah, he completely collapsed after the incidence. But he's in this institute now and I think they're taking care of him really well. We don't really talk anymore though."

"I feel like this is all my fault, like I ruined your family somehow. Please go visit your father. For me. Please?" Maddie pleaded.

"I don't know...Last time I went to see him I came out bleeding. I don't think I can handle that much blood loss, Maddie." I laughed awkwardly, my terrible attempt at a joke falling flat.

"You need to go see him! You'll never be able to have closure if you don't and you'll regret it if you never get to talk to him again. Just go, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"But-" I protested.

"Listen," Maddie continued, talking over me determinedly, "I know that my condition is getting worse and if something...untoward happens to me I want to at least die knowing that at least I tried to alleviate some of the damage I did. Please try to work on your relationship with your dad. Please."

"I... Ok, you know what? I'll do it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Go now!"


After another infuriatingly frustrating encounter with the receptionist (who should really be fired for trying to make everyone's day miserable), I once again found myself being led to my dad's room.

"We'll be outside if you need help, miss." The guard nodded at me curtly before opening the door for me. I smiled back at him before stepping into the room. I was shocked at how tidy his room had become. Everything looked like it had been recently dusted, the books on the shelf were organised by colour and size. The bed was nicely made and everything looked so homey.

"Is it lunch time already? Alright, I'll be down as soon as I finish writing this sentence, thanks" The man who was sitting at the desk with his back towards me chirped politely.

"Dad?" I choked out in shock. The man turned around in his chair. He dressed smartly and looked like he had combed his hair and was clean shaven.

"Riley? You're here." My dad looked as shocked as I was.

"Yeah I came to talk to you and I see that...woah, you've really tidied up." I looked around in amazement. Dad got up from his chair, walking over to me. He put both his hands on my shoulders as he looked at me.

"You've grown, Riley. I'm so proud of you. I'm...sorry for everything I've done before. I've been such a bad father..." his eyes welled up with tears.

"It's ok. I love you dad." I smiled and gave him a hug.

And so, I spent the rest of the day with him. Since he was in a much better state, the staff at the institute let me stay longer. He told me about how he realised that his life was just going to keep going downhill if he didn't change. And he went on and on about how he was so sorry, and how William's death wasn't my fault. He was only mad at me because I looked like Will (duh we're twins) and blah.....blah.....


In honesty, I wasn't really paying attention at all because there was the one, major million dollar question in my mind.

" did you fall into the mess you were in?" I abruptly blurted out. Dad stopped talking for a moment and looked at me sadly.

"It's complicated...When I was a teenager, I was young and impressionable and I fell in with the wrong crowd. And slowly, I got influenced by them and I started to follow their example to fit in. Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes...the whole nine yards. And then I met your mum. Ever since the first time I saw her I was star struck by her personality, her appearance... everything. So I gave everything up, the gangs and the drugs and I started a new life with her. Honestly, the day Georgia was born, I was ecstatic. I was even happier when you and William came along because our family finally felt complete. So when William died, I felt so empty... Like my dream come true had come tumbling down again. I tried to go back to the gang but they sabotaged me and turned me away. I became alcoholic and...well, you know the rest. But I'm better now." He smiled.

"Woah...well dad, you're way more badass than a lot of people my age." I joked.

"Not necessarily. The other day a young gentleman, about your age actually, came to see me to ask me about gang relations. He looked like he was troubled, exactly like I was when I was his age. I turned him away, of course. But then I asked the receptionist for his name and apparently he's called Liam McCoy. He-"

"Wait who?" I leaned in, thinking that I had heard wrong.

"Liam McCoy."

"Liam McCoy!" I repeated in shock. My dad's face held an expression of confusion.

"You know him?" He asked.

"Yeah. He's my friend...I guess? Anyways, he told me that he was in a gang but it's a good gang that works with the police to help civilians." I rambled. Dad shook his head slowly.

"Riley...He's in a gang called the Silvers. They're the deadliest gang in the country. The police has been trying to crack down on them down for years but they're very secretive, they move fast and nobody knows exactly who is in the gang or how many members there are."

"What...?" I gasped softly.

"That Liam boy...he's lying to you."

Boom 💥 another update!

Sorry guys for the inconsistent update. I got really sick and wasn't able to work on this chapter even though I really freaking wanted to. School is also kinda killing me with the ridiculous amounts of maths homework but it's nothing I can't handle.

And now...on to the exciting bit.....



I just wanna say that even though I don't reply to a lot of the comments, I READ THEM ALL!!!! (I'm just too socially awkward to reply I'm sorry don't at me uwu). I also read every notification I get from you guys! (like voting, commenting and adding to your reading lists)

everyone reading this: omg you say this every time you're so repetitive just shut up and work on the next chapter already I'm growing white hair from waiting for your slow ass to write this book.
me: it's not my fault that you guys are so amazing that I need to say this multiple times ok? Like geeez.

But yeah, on a more serious note, thank you so much for waiting patiently for me to update this book. I really appreciate it and I feel bad for not updating often enough.

Ok bye now! (Yeah, that was abrupt I'm sorry I literally ran out of things to say, refer to comment about social awkwardness)

hope xx

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