Chapter 14- Krispy Kreme is Overrated

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14| krispy Kreme is overrated

The rest of the car ride pretty much consisted of Maddy glaring at me angrily as I chatted to Liam about music. Honestly, I really tried to include her into the conversation but it's not MY fault she's practically tone-deaf and knows nothing about Fall Out Boy!

Soon, our small talk lapsed into an awkward silence as Liam steered the car smoothly on the road. Until that is I saw...

"KRISPY KREME!!! LIAM PULL OVER RIGHT NOW!" I yelled excitedly, making Liam jump in shock and Maddy dropped the bronze lipstick that she was applying.

"Geez, lady! Do you WANT me to have a heart attack?" Liam yelled as he found an empty spot in the carpark.

"Oh c'mon! Stop being a wuss! It's Krispy Kreme!" I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the car and ran into the store at lightning speed.

Pressed my face up to the glass, I looked at the different varieties of flavours in awe. I was startled as I felt a loud tap. I looked up to see a male employee around my age grinning at me.

"I'm sorry miss but I'm gonna have to get you to step away a bit from the counter." He smirked.

"Oh-I'm sorry." I stuttered, leaning back. It's not my fault that I get carried away with doughnuts....

"You were a bit too close for comfort, not that I mind...." the employee whispered, still smirking suggestively. Did I....did I just get HIT ON?

I stumbled back awkwardly and had to be caught by Liam who had appeared behind me. Maddy, who was clinging onto Liam's arm just moments before, glared at me as he had to free himself from her grasp to make sure that I didn't stumble into other customers.

The employee (whose name was Marcus from his name badge) shifted uncomfortably at the sight of Liam awkwardly propping up my waist as I recovered from the shock of the opposite gender actually PAYING ATTENTION to me. I brushed Liam's hand away quickly and looked back at Marcus.

"Right. So...I want 50 cinnamon doughnuts for Maddy over here and 12 caramel glazed doughnuts for myself. Liam, you want anything?" I turned back to look at him.

"Nah, I'm good." He shrugged, glaring at Marcus suspiciously.

"Alright, 50 cinnamon doughnuts and 12 caramel doughnuts. That would be a total of $139.65." Marcus tapped away on his screen. With my eyeballs almost popping out at the price, I dug around my purse for my credit card.

"Just hold on..." I tipped everything I had in my purse onto the counter. Scatters of bright lipsticks (that were Natalie's. Don't ask me how they got into my purse because I have no idea.) and receipts from months ago came tumbling out. Finally, I found my shiny credit card underneath all the junk and was about to hand it to Marcus before my hand was pushed away.

"I'll pay." I looked up to see Liam holding out his debit card. Marcus reached out to take it....

"Nope! I'm paying!" I shoved Liam aside, he shoved me back.

"I'm paying!"

"What? No! You aren't even buying anything!" I questioned.

"I'm a guy! I should pay!" He retorted.

"We're not the ones on a date! You and Maddy are! You should be paying for her!" I shot back.

"The 50 cinnamon doughnuts are for her, aren't they?" Liam questioned, standing over me. I could hear Madeleine swoon in the background.

"But I want to pay!" I demanded, craning my neck to meet his gaze determinedly.




"Look buddy, I'm the one that wanted you to go on this date thing so just let me pay!" I leaned in and whispered impatiently out of the corner of my mouth.

"Ummm excuse me? Could one of you just please pay?" Marcus cut in.

"Shut up and take my money!" I practically shoved my card into his face.

"Don't listen to her!" Liam stepped in front of me, blocking my off from paying. I pretended that his elbow hit my face and crumpled to the ground.

"Owwww my nose!" I fake whimpered. Liam turned around and looked at me in shock.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry, are you ok?" He crouched down to my level. I covered my face and continued to fake cry.

"It hurts!" I screamed. By now, the rest of the customers had gathered around us.

"Crap! OK, I got a first aid kit in my car. Hold tight!" I heard Liam dash out of the shop, the doors left swinging wildly. I peeked out behind my fingers. He was out of sight. I got up and dusted myself off wearily.

"Well that's done. Here." I handed Marcus my credit card and watched as he scanned it.

"I got the first aid kit- wait what? What's going on?"I turned around to see a very breathless Liam with a green first aid kit in his hand.

"Nothing...." I grinned slyly as I put everything back into my purse. He looked as Marcus handed me back my credit card.

"Did you pay for the..." his eyes narrowed.

"Yup!" I smiled back. Liam sighed and sat down on a chair. An elderly lady walked up to me as I waited for our doughnuts.

"You two youngsters make a really good couple." She smiled kindly at us, patting the back of my hand.

"We're not a couple." I clarified.

"But you should be. You should've seen that young man's face when you fell onto the floor. He looked so concerned about you."

"Oh well, uh thanks.." I muttered after her as she hobbled away after smiling at me once more.

Soon enough, I got my massive stack of doughnuts and we headed out the door.

"She's a keeper. Pulling that trick so that she could pay, you don't see that so often. " A man patted Liam on the back as we walked out to the carpark. I pretended not to hear and sped towards the car. Upon opening the box, a found a note folded into quarters tucked inside.

You're cute, call me. xxx-xxx-xxx
Marcus from Krispy Kreme

Before I could react, the note was snatched out of my hand.

"I'll be keeping that. That guy was hot." Madeleine clutched the note in her manicured paws triumphantly.

"Pleaaseee do, that perv is all yours." I muttered.

"You're just jealous!" She retorted smugly.

"And you're just hangry. Don't worry, I got 50 cinnamon doughnuts. All. For. You." I smirked, glancing into the rear view mirror to see Maddy's smirk falter.

"Yeah babe, since I forgot to send you food with cinnamon these past couple of days, these doughnuts should make up for it. I'll be expecting you to eat every one." Liam added.

"Yeah...I can do that. Krispy Kreme is so overrated..." The blonde girl's smile was now a grim line as she muttered the last part.

Liam and I shared a smirk in secret. This was going to be interesting...

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